Nickels Family Reunion in Hinckley August 3

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All descendants of Mathais and Catherine (Grommes) Nickels are invited to the Nickels Family Reunion Saturday, Aug. 3, at Pioneer Park, on the West Side of Hinckley on U.S. Route 30, next to the Hinckley Elementary School.

We will gather from 11 a.m. to noon, and the food will be served at 12:15 p.m..

The picnic will be a potluck and all the food will be organized on one table.

Please bring: One generous dish to pass and a serving spoon, table service for your family, lawn chairs, and family history items and pictures.

Meat and drinks will be provided.

Please invite all Nickels relatives you know to the reunion. Some prominent longtime Fox Valley residents whose names appear on this family tree, in addition to Nickels, include: Abhalter, Acton, Benjamin, Bonifas, Bosseler, Brouch, Brummel, Burns, Christoffel, Cothron, Fowler, Frieders, Green, Grommes, Hailstone, Hames, Hess, Hettinger, Kartheiser, Knara, Konen, LeMay, Lickovich, May, Molitor, Modaff, Poss, Sherman, Streit, Theis, Tossing, Wagner, Weaver, Weis, and Wiley.

—Mary Streit

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