Oligarchs, one-percenters, maintain control

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May 30, 2020
Dear editor;

No where in the U.S. Constitution is it written that the American media has the right to convict a person charged with murder or seat the jury which will carry out an immoral and unlimited destructive-mob action. Yes, I am writing about the illegal and ruinous and possible injurious, life threatening actions as a sentence to be suffered by innocent individuals in Minnesota this week. Those who burnt the town down should have been rounded up and confined to a detention center and charged with attempted murder, arson, and theft.

Firemen, of all races, risk their lives when attempting to shut down out-of-control fires as did the other policemen who knowingly put their lives on the line to protect both the innocent and criminal actions of out-of-control rioters. God bless them.

Yes, there is and were numerous firemen among my family and friends just as there probably are among the readers of this letter. The rioters who attempted to invent their own trial and misdirected justice for the death of George Floyd are guilty of violating both moral laws and those of Minnesota which do not allow for public trials, nor give permission to inflict property destruction upon their city. No justice in that. I expect a fair trial, offering the public the evidence from both sides. That’s constitutional, right?

As for the government’s violation of moral laws, they have been guilty of misdirecting funds to help the Black people and their families, who when I was growing up had the same intact families as white, yellow, and tan did. The last report I read informed us that 75% of black women/mothers were not married. No father there! Yes, the population control oligarchs had a hand in bringing down minority lifestyles by ushering in godless socialism, pro anti-life mind indoctrination and staving family growth. The message here is, we are still slaves to the oligarchs whose power keeps us at war.

The oligarchs, the one-percenters, have replaced the president and Congress in power, who are elected to unite, not divide us, which is exactly what happened in Minnesota that night. Power through division, and they won. Score another step up for our rulers and weakening of the middle class.

Don’t blame president Donald Trump. The blame lies with each of us who does not seek to instill in our hearts and minds personal morality, and strive to regrow and strengthen the family unit that is non- existent for many kids. They need fathers. Last week 10 black youths met their deaths, no fire there, no protestors, no mayor, either. Those rioters who set not only buildings on fire and looted the shops, endangered the other police and firemen at the scene. Black and white together need to unite, to warn we, too, are angry with both incidents that occurred and want justice enforced. Period!

Joan Solms, Aurora

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