On making America great again

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August 14, 2019
Dear editor;

Okay, I give, I want to Make America Great Again. That’s why I’m voting Blue in 2020 for Democratic Party members with brains and morals who will act as a check on our corrupt and incompetent president and GOP-ruled Senate.

See, I’m not anti-Donald Trump, I’m just pro-humanity, pro-diversity, pro-decency, pro-equality, pro-compassion, and pro-justice.

Furthermore, any political party that is pro-guns, pro-war, pro-death penalty, and anti-health care is in no position to make arguments in favor of pro-life.

Regarding guns with multi-bullet drums: Those with pre-existing mental health conditions have access to firearms thanks to Trump, but for 10 years GOP leaders have fought against Barack Obama health care covering pre-existing conditions. Make sense?

Two homegrown domestic terrorists had no problem getting deadly assault rifles because the NRA-bribed-Republicans accepted NRA’s-Russian-soaked blood money to keep America a profitable war zone.

I can’t help but notice that: “Terrible things are happening outside. At any time of night and day, poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes… Families are torn apart: Men, women and children are separated. Children come home from school to find their parents have disappeared.” Did I just write that today? No, I quoted Anne Frank in the 1930s.

Socialists, too far left you say? Leads to communism you say? I think I have a more accurate assessment of what’s going on: Racist derogatory hatred spewed by our president leads to domestic terrorist attacks.

Every single Democratic candidate is infinitely better for the future of our country than the white supremacist president murdering our democracy since 2016.

How sad we’ve become when some of you believe that scientists, scholars, historians, economists, and journalists are lying to you, but you accept outrageous behavior and believe outrageous lies from the biggest lying con man ever. He’s your beacon of honesty?

When the water gets too hot for him about one thing, he diverts our attention to the wall, immigration, tariffs. Then we’re not paying attention to what he’s doing to end Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, what he’s doing to end clean air, clean water, and the EPA, our primary existence needs.

You like what he did for our economy, tax breaks to the rich? What will your grandkids say when they can’t farm the land, breathe the air, or drink the water and are paying off the trillions in debt he’s put us in since he became president?

Then there’s Moscow Mitch. To be continued…

Judy Siedlecki

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