On stealing the U.S. election

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By Bela (Bill) Suhayda

Stealing this or any election is not a risky proposition for Democrats. Media joins them in running interference… even “blacking out” (censorship by omission) the fraud that continues to be the 2020 election, along with a host of other corrupt activity. Dems stole their own primary from Bernie in 2016 without a harsh word even from Bernie. They did it to Bernie again this year. No complaints. Dems are ready to die on this hill if need be, even as they know they run no risk of that happening. Big Tech Oligarchs (Twitter, FB, Google), socialists, leftists, media, and progressives have too much to gain and understand they have too little to risk in this theft. Stealing this election was an opportunity in fact. I say this with assurance knowing what Dems. all ready have gotten away with in just the last four years.

Was there prosecutions for fraudulent FISA warrants, FBI, and Comey, leaks? No! Were there prosecutions for the destruction of 33,000 subpoenaed E-mail and government-issued phones and hard drives of Clintons? No!! The FBI actually helped secretary of state Clinton in the destruction of her phones and hard drives. Was there anyone prosecuted for spying on then-candidate Donald Trump? No! There has been and continues to be an attempted coup of this president. Half of the American people don’t understand it because mainstream media joined in the effort for three years to make the coup a reality. The Mueller team found nothing in terms of collusion, yet collusion is still talked about as something that occurred. Then the FBI helped the Mueller team destroy their phones and hard drives to cover their tracks concerning their nefarious activities. Meuller knew, his first day on the job, the investigation of Russian collusion was a farce, yet continued with it for two-and-a-half years. Read the Horowitz Report for details. But Mueller didn’t kill the job by reporting this fact. He picked up a nice paycheck, instead. Was Clinton investigated for financing the Steele Dossier? No!

Neither was Comey, nor any member of the FBI, CIA, or DOJ prosecuted for their illegal activities against this president. Comey, Strzok, Page, were trying to frame both the president and General Flynn. Then consider Benghazi, Clinton cash, Biden/China/Ukraine deals, and Epstein island visits? Compare these crimes with the third-rate burglary that was Watergate. BTW, Epstein didn’t kill himself, either.

Obama stayed behind in D.C. when Trump took office in 2016. He created a shadow government to control much of the planning for what the Democrats would do in their illegal investigations of the president. No one in media dares to utter such a claim. In fact, most support the fraud that has taken place. And it is why there is no risk in anything they do. Dems. have attempted a coup while trying to prevent Trump from succeeding in the implementation of his first-term agenda. Yet, look what this president has succeeded in doing. Dems right now, are trying to steal credit for the three vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna.

The bodies have piled up. Too much continues to be at stake for Dems not to win this election. Another term for Trump is too risky. Biden/China/Ukraine deals, Russian Collusion coup attempts, Clinton E-mail, Comey treason, FBI, CIA, DOJ corruption, and Brennan and Clapper perjury and activities are all low-hanging fruit a second term for Trump could expose. This is why the election had to be stolen.

The Left is desperate to prevent America going back to working as it did pre-COVID under Trump. They understand the dangers, to themselves, of an America working for Americans. Success breeds success and more of it would convince even larger numbers of minority voters to join the president, leaving Dems. with shrinking tents.

This president got more Hispanic and black votes than any president since the 1950s.

The Left has invested too much corruption, time, money, and political capital in the socialist, globalist, movement not to assure a victory in this election. Dems. and Republicans are too anxious to work with the Chinese, especially “Shoeless Joe Biden.” Time is money and the billionaires do not want to wait for four more years of Trump. So the fix was in. Biden was told to sit in his basement while the media did his gaffing for him. On the rare occasion Joe came out of hiding he drew 15 cars in a parking lot. But we are to believe Biden got 15 Million more votes, just sitting in his basement in this election, than Obama did as the first black president in 2008 or 2012.

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