On the lack of balanced coverage with COVID-19

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Joe Rogan of The Joe Rogan Experience on Spotify has become the latest victim of censorship in the era of COVID-19. His sin? Why, he dared to interview those who are skeptics of the “official” story behind the origin of the coronavirus and the need for hastily-produced vaccines.

The pro-vaxxers came out of the woodwork in droves, demanding that Spotify remove Rogan from its platform. Given that Rogan has a large following, Spotify was reluctant to do so, because it would mean a considerable loss of revenue. In an attempt to mollify the mob, it pledged to be more balanced. Rogan made the same pledge, even though he always has interviewed a wide variety of guests, regardless of their beliefs.

The American press, long touted as the “fourth estate”, has given up its role as public watchdog and now serves as the propaganda arm of the powers-that-be. Tune in any news broadcast on television, or radio, or pick up a newspaper, or magazine, and the lead stories are about how to deal with the pandemic. All the horrifying statistics, the caseloads and the deaths, leap out at the viewer or reader just like a hungry beast. Never mind that most of these statistics have been inflated; they serve the purpose of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, such as the panicky government, the conniving public-health community, the greedy pharmaceutical industry, and the servile news media.

In addition to the statistics, the press interviews selected doctors to testify how they need more vaccines and more medical equipment. Spokespersons urge United States residents to get tested/injected before it’s too late. Government officials toy with the idea of mandating the whole shebang.

Nowhere do you hear from the skeptics, from either the scientific or the public-health communities. They are not invited to speak. If those similar to Joe Rogan give them a voice, they are hounded out of the public eye, free speech be damned. The Chas is especially dismayed that the vaunted PBS NewsHour and the National Public Radio have taken the side of the censors; they claim to be balanced, but not where COVID-19 is concerned. Dr. Anthony Fauci and his ilk are all you get on a daily basis. There is never a rebuttal.

To be sure, there is a lot of misinformation being bandied about, but it doesn’t originate from the skeptics. Rather, it is spewed out by the Four Horsemen in order to keep the public in line by covering up the real origin of the coronavirus. But, this house of cards is slowly falling apart as the Four’s lies are beginning to pile up beyond the point of credibility. According to the pro-vaxxers it is why Joe Rogan et. al. must be suppressed; the more of us who expose the lies, the more rapidly the house of cards falls apart.

I’ve come across an interesting historical factoid. It seems that, up to the time of the Bill Clinton administration, both Republicans and Democrats were pro-vax. It was only when the Democrats became the dominate political party that the Republicans changed their tune; in order to regain political dominance, they and their conservative allies softened their views on vaccines. With the rise of The Donald, they turned completely around to become anti-vax. Thus, the positions of the major political parties have nothing to do with science, but with politics.

The saddest part about this shift is that the former “people’s party” has embraced fascist tactics to deal with the pandemic. The Democrats have swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lies of the Four Horsemen; masks, lock-downs, social distancing, vaccine passports, mandates, rejection of drugs more effective (and cheaper!), all to maintain control over the official message.

The Chas looks forward to that fine day when the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have to eat crow on account of their perfidy, when they have to issue public apologies on account of their fearmongering, and when those responsible have to resign their positions on account of their assault on democracy. He looks forward to the creation of an independent commission to determine whether charges should be filed against them. At the very least, the pharmaceutical industry should be required to give back the millions they were paid for their worthless products.

Just a delicious thought!

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