By Bela “Bill” Suhayda
Using death to achieve political gain is something the political left and media have been doing to critical acclaim for a long time. It used to be taboo. Now it is a strategy, especially with Democrats. Enter Robert Long, a white male, and an admitted sex addict/murderer who wanted to eliminate people and establishments tempting his so-called addiction. His shooting spree, in Atlanta, killed eight women. Six of them were Asian-Americans. For a while no one knew the motive Long had for the slaughter. Democrats and main stream media (MSM) saw their opportunity in identity politics and the death of Asian American women. The advantage, they saw, was to paint conservatives and Donald Trump supporters as racists and white supremacists, even though Long’s Facebook page, showed him to be a liberal. It was the perfect storm dropped into MSM and Democrat laps.
Leftist media made sure to get ahead of this developing story. No time would be given for investigations to start in the case. No conclusions could be allowed to exist, except the desired ones. Dems would get the first word, in case the evidence found by police didn’t fit the narrative they wanted to tell the world.

MSM already had the story. White supremacists are killing Asians because Trump called COVID-19 “The Chinese virus.”
White supremacists and Trump had to be linked in this horrible crime. The same ploy was used by Dems. in the January 6 Capitol breach. Dems understand very well the notion that it is easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled. So, for them, truth is not important. Reporting your version of the truth is important.
Linking Trump and Trump supporters to hate crimes, was the end game here.
With the left and MSM, truth is not the goal. Political advantage is. Barack Obama played this game often. He was always over his skis in this regard. Consequently, he was wrong about facts, details, and the truth. Just remember, the truth is not what is important, slander is the trials in Sanford, Baltimore, Ferguson, and New York, concerning police misconduct and murder against black suspects, during the second term of Obama’s presidency, resulted in acquittals. However, Obama did succeed in making law enforcement into villains everywhere in the country until today. What we see in our streets today, is a consequence of the Obama era and of Obama.
The stories that have stuck in the minds of large numbers of Americans, especially African Americans, were the false accounts of mainstream media that were aired first. The same is true in the Asian community today, truth be damned!
The false accounts of events were reported first, which resulted in organized riots in many major cities in our country during Summer 2020. Arson and death reigned for 150 days. As a result, we had civil war in our cities and streets, even after the investigations and trials found the truth during Barack Obama’s administration, in Sanford, Baltimore, Ferguson, and New York and the verdicts of innocent were pronounced in those cases, there was no apology, or remorse for the damage that was done to lives, property, or the Nation.