Truth in Oswego Township mailer?

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By Leonard R. Wass

Oswego Township voters deserve the truth regarding the mailer sent on behalf of Township supervisor candidate, Joe West. The truth is that the article is blatantly false, a hit piece on the responsible incumbent, Brian LeClercq, and sent by folks with an ax to grind. Here are facts on this so-called concerned citizen group.

One, a group pal, moved to Florida and is not involved in Oswego. Another is angry that Brian LeClerq saved taxpayers 30% and got increased coverage by replacing his insurance company with one used by 95% of townships in Illinois. Another is angry that LeClerq reduced taxpayer costs by terminating the daughter’s admin role in the Township. Another is a pal of another in the group; both sit on the Oswego Fire District Board, and have burdened you with the second highest tax levy on your bill and huge unfunded pension liabilities, but now want you to approve a tax referendum to cover for their mismanagement.

Joe West has not publicly condemned this mailer to make him part of these lies. Maybe he had a part in putting the mailer together. Do you think?

Vote for LeClerq, Selmer, Bush, Sawicki, Wade, Becker, Ainsworth, and Hauser.

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