Politics important to U.S. today and in the future

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The age-old art form draws a great deal of attention today and has drawn attention for centuries. It will not fade away as long groups of individuals will draw into governance each day and each year.

According to the Oxford dictionary:

“The activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals, or parties having, or hoping to achieve power.”

Politics is a part of all the small local areas, national forms, and, even international forms. In various forms it is the guidance of both daily living and long-term living. We do not avoid politics. In reality, we are unable to avoid politics, completely. Some persons seek to shy away from declaring personal thoughts, or partisanships, however, in some form, politics is with us each day, even without bold assertions. It is unavoidable. Those who shrink from even the least understanding of trends, thoughts, and ideas, do themselves a disservice. A person does not have to boldly make declarations continually, does not have to reflect political statements, however, is self-helpful with observations, understanding, thoughtfulness.

Understanding political thought leads to voting.

Voting is more than just a duty, it is offering direction, selection of candidates, and voting on community propositions.

As a society, members must find a way to vote, in person, or in an absentee ballot.

There are three major political groups in our country in today’s world: Democratic Party, Republican Party, and the remainder of the aligned and voters. The latter group is formed by independents, and all other political parties, obscure to well-known. Making choices is a political product of eligible persons in the United States. One vote may decide an election. One vote may never decide an election. Eligible voters should never take for granted the ability to have a vote and to make selections. One vote truly adds up to many votes. A majority of countries do not offer a truly democratic vote. There may be only one person on a ballot in some countries where there may be only one political party. Eligible voters may be more difficult to declare in those countries. Trends develop in our country and have over the years.

The Republican Party is newer than the Democratic Party. Abraham Lincoln was the first president elected, in 1860, as a Republican Party member. The activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. The Republican Party started in the 1850s.

The Democratic Party started in 1828 by Martin Van Buren who formed Party members from each state to support and vote for war hero Andrew Jackson, who served two terms as president in support of the common man, a somewhat unusual twist for that decade. Jackson was president from March 1829 to March 1837.

Developments of new parties and new thought over time is a natural inclination. Participation in thought and voting in some way offers hopes to societies and may find change. The added participation is better for the United States. Always.

Voting can be a peaceful revolution.

As a whole, we in the U.S. take voting seriously, unlike some countries through history. Traditionally, each vote has been secure and sacred and properly counted in the vast majority.

Few who have alleged fraudulent counting in the U.S. have a basis for confirming their allegations. Likely that fact is one of the most important sustenance of the U.S. democracy.

Hard work, truthfulness, dedication, respect, are all a part of an honest democracy. We in the U.S. derive benefits from such participation in our democracy. It is tradition and it will be a part of our future.

It is up to each one of us to ensure our future.

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