Pregnancy advice, information, support, at Aurora Public Library District August 17

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Being an expectant parent is difficult, especially if you have limited access to avenues of support. One way expectant parents can navigate the challenges of expectant parenthood is to hire a doula, a “person trained to provide advice, information, emotional support, and physical comfort to a [birthing person] before, during, and just after childbirth” (Merriam-Webster).

Trained by DONA (Doulas of North America) International, the world’s first, largest and leading doula certifying organization, doula Julie will offer advice, information and an overview of the doula profession in the program at Aurora Public Library District (APLD), Supported Birth Care with Doula Julie. The event will take place in person at Eola Road Branch and through Zoom at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 17. Please register at to attend. Specific program topics include what to expect during the third trimester and labor, as well as ways to address pregnancy-related emotional and physical issues and methods to be an advocate for you or your partner throughout the pregnancy journey.

Although all expectant parents face some of these issues, unfortunately: “Black women in the United States experience unacceptably-poor maternal health outcomes, including disproportionately high rates of death related to pregnancy. Both societal and health system factors contribute to high rates of poor health outcomes and maternal mortality for Black women, who are more likely to experience barriers to obtaining quality care and often face racial discrimination throughout their lives” (National Partnership for Women & Families 2018).

There are racial disparities in maternal health outcomes for other person of color populations in the U.S., such as indigenous mothers (Center for American Progress 2018). The distressing inequality pregnant people of color face is one of the many reasons why APLD, such as DONA, is committed to supporting our diverse communities by providing evidence-based information, as well as advocacy resources and programs like Supported Birth Care.

When it comes to both DONA and APLD, support for parents doesn’t stop at birth. In addition to birth doulas, DONA has postpartum doulas who provide emotional support, evidence-based information and support, practical support [and] partner and sibling support.

At APLD, we offer baby storytimes on our events page as well as an early literacy page with educational resources and activities for you and your newborn to help make parenting a little easier. Be sure to check out our catalog for additional materials in multiple languages, too.

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