Reaction to Charles Coddington column

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June 28, 2020
Dear editor;

Charles Coddington wrote an opinion piece in The Voice June 18 edition. In it he asserted, without any facts or supporting documentation, that the following “has failed us”: Our Federal government; our electoral system; our health care system; our law enforcement system; our education system; our financial system; our transportation system; and our agriculture system. That about covers everything.

He then suggests a new paradigm for America, specifically the “Green New Deal”. Clearly Mr. Coddington wants an America without: Any cows that produce our beef and milk; 99% of all our automobiles; any and all electric power plants that use natural gas, coal, oil, or nuclear energy; and any and all air travel, supposedly using Amtrak on your next trip to Hawaii. These are just a few of the Green New Deal items.

I have a suggestion for Mr. Coddington and an offer he can’t refuse. Don’t wait for America to reach this utopian stage. Move somewhere where you can enjoy this new utopian paradise right now. You can enjoy immediate pleasure in places such as Venezuela, North Korea, Russia, China, and Iran. And my generous offer is to open a Go Fund Me account so we can buy you a one-way ticket out of our wonderful United States of America.

And three questions for The Voice: Where did you find this man, whose background is not found on the internet; does he reflect your views on America; why else would you publish such far left, socialist, dribble, if he does not?

Leonard R. Wass, Oswego

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