Reader’s Commentary: Adult world must overcome versions of fantasy

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By Marjorie Logman

How did the exception become the rule in the United States today? Eight years ago I began digging myself out of a bad place, years of trauma, misconceptions, bad guidance, and a medical profession freely giving me way too many drugs. While shoveling all that away, I made a commitment to reality and to be a congruent person acting and believing whom I was, with acceptance. I am finding this philosophy in America to be the exception and not the rule, which makes it difficult with my vulnerabilities.

While teaching kindergarten, I so enjoyed opening the world of literature to the children having a fanciful way about me, even as an adult. After enjoying the world of princes, fairies, heffalumps and woozles, wild things, superman, and the like, we closed the book and got down to the basics of kindergarten life. Unfortunately, we have many adults today who, through media, churches, and the glorious internet, reading the adult versions of fantasy, but think it to be true. I took the cue from someone recently who said, “I did the research”. Nothing but fantasy made to be true.

Church is another place where this happens. I am wondering if casinos got the idea from Christianity. Bet 10% against the house and you will obtain riches. Yet, the house always wins whether it is a casino owner or a pastor or a church enterprise. Sadly, it affects those who don’t have it to give. They often give the excuse that they give to the poor, but so did Al Capone. What is the Church’s obsession with sex? For millennia people have looked at and practiced different sexual orientations and lived good lives. As in any group there are exceptions. Today, Christians have themselves tied in knots over the exceptions and how it is going to bring the country to ruin. Sounds a bit like chicken little and the sky is falling. The sexual abuse I witnessed in all forms of Christianity is appalling, yet to them it is excusable, yet the homosexual be damned. This situation is not good thinking, but happens to be the rule and not the exception.

Into all this situation, walks Donald Trump with all his pathological grifting ways. I think he may have started it as a scam, but now believes his own narrative. How did we get to where a good portion of the United States actually thinks he is good for us! It’s the same as thinking a steady diet of fast food is good for us.

I saw in the newspaper the other day three or four 100-year-old institutionalized persons available for viewing. I wonder if there was a sign that read, “Don’t feed the old people”. Some want to restrict what older folks can eat in restaurants. It usually includes mostly broccoli and blueberries. How bazaar! What has happened while I was on my dark journey?

A few of us saw that transportation for the disabled and elderly was chaotic. We saw some ways to streamline it. We were basically told, “We like our chaos, have no intention of fixing it and be grateful we are here”?

The elected have gotten a bit weird. It is a culture now and many are formed to treat the unelected differently. They have rituals such as hand-waving and mannerisms I am not used to and can rationalize unethical work in a quick minute before you know what hit you.

I want to go to the border to tell the desperate migrants who are coming here with what they have heard about the land of the free and home of the brave. It is not so good because many people now are sick and have emotional issues and a lot of them run things, so be wary.

I guess coming out of my dark journey I naively thought I would find many who wanted to walk a path toward soundness and real living, but am finding them to be the exception, not the rule. Thank goodness for my three kids who, with their senses of humor and council, keep me going forward and staying the exception. I hope this situation is something we are going through, and can close the fantasy adult books and get on with the basics of life because we, if you haven’t looked around, are sweltering in heat, flooding, and are on fire.

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