Reader’s Commentary: Censorship, misinformation, dangerous to the country

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda
Sugar Grove

I’m almost sure most of you remember March 2020.

Closing down a country tends to create an indelible memory of dates and events. During that month, executives of Silicon Valley met with officials in Washington, D.C. to determine how much Americans would be allowed to know concerning a virus killing us. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame sent an E-mail to Dr. Anthony Fauci to tell him he would make sure Facebook users would only read things Fauci supported. Twitter and Google CEOs followed suit. Any disagreements with the good doctor would be considered misinformation. Health professionals, including medical doctors, working with COVID patients, would not be allowed to express their opinions. Their input was not going to conform with community standards.

Doctors in the arena, dealing with this crisis, wouldn’t be allowed published opinions, even though they were the ones engaging in the most current science concerning Covid-19.

Historians looking back on censorship in the United States, will look back on March 2020 especially. It was when it went into effect. Will they suggest private companies are independent of the Constitution? Is this how they justify how the country pivoted away from First Amendment rights? Will they report how Big Tech monopolies worked as tools of government, to control information? Will we be told why competing ideas were not allowed? Will Big Tech be praised for their black out of factual information? I think that will depend on what kind of country we still have!

We saw censorship taking place on Facebook. We saw articles blanked out in dark gray with the heading “Content No Longer Available.” Then we were to lose interest and go back to Hulu while in quarantine.

I heard from the Joe Biden administration.

Censorship can apply to private speech as well as public. The DNC (Democratic National Committee) will be able to see what we are texting! The DNC plans to control/monitor private speech. Contradictions to official government policy will not be allowed to travel person to person. According to Politico, online and print journal, Biden allied groups, including the DNC, will engage fact-checkers more aggressively, then work with text carriers to dispel misinformation about government policies/vaccines.

The DNC plans censoring information you receive concerning vaccines through private messages. But misinformation won’t be the same as false information. Misinformation actually could be factual.

Misinformation will be those things the Biden administration doesn’t want you to know concerning policy/vaccines. Truth can be harmful to you, they decide!

They say we’ll get back to normal. Why shouldn’t we trust government promising normality after the collusion hoax, fraudulent FISA warrants, surveillance of private citizens, and a president spied on, harassed, and impeached twice? Predictably, they’re now going after Trump as a private citizen. I don’t have room to mention what a weaponized IRS, DOJ, FBI NSA, or CIA already has done.

If government can force vaccines on you, what else is possible? Censorship is ramping up even as the Pandemic is winding down? Is this about a pandemic, or control?

In March 2020, Dr. Fauci said: “We need two weeks to flatten the curve!” Look what has happened since then?

Donald Trump’s vaccines were approved by the FDA under an emergency provision. They’ve not been tested. We are the guinea pigs! Long term studies don’t exist for obvious reasons. All vaccines have side effects, some even causing death. It’s a numbers game! We won’t know the truth about these vaccines for a long time. Government, Big Tech and M.S.M. will hide information from us. Then they will mandate vaccinations to an unwitting population? Any government that can do this, has crossed over the line.

Welcome to the USSR.

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