Reader’s Commentary: Climate change alarmists wrong?

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda
Sugar Grove, Ill.

“Ten years ago today Al Gore said the world would come to an end because of Climate Change.” The above headline of an article was written by Andre Walker and published January 27, 2016. To my knowledge, the world didn’t come to an end that day.

A couple of years ago we had another weather forecast:

Congresswoman Cortez (AOC) predicted the beginning of the end would come in 2031. And so it goes with the climate alarmists who parrot the words of government purchased scientists and big money oligarchs heavily invested in both alternative energy and vaccines.

The poor in the U.S. and the poor of the world continue becoming poorer. COVID lockdowns, and the destruction of the oil industry are leading the way to the economic slaughter of those who have the least in material wealth and the most to lose. None of what government has been doing in recent years is about serving the people. The agenda is putting the United States and the American people last on the priority list of the Joe Biden administration. Climate change and the pandemic have been a focus on money and power for the wealthy, and is not about science.

We should all know by now neither vaccines nor boosters protect against contracting COVID, or passing the virus to others. We have not been allowed to say these obvious facts the last two years even though it as the truth. Real scientists have been saying it for two years. They’ve been censored. These facts have been considered disinformation. Natural immunity is the strongest immunity we can have. This fact has been censored.

I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so!! Retroviruses, such as COVID, always will evade vaccines by mutating into variants of themselves. Look no further than Dr. Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden for your evidence.

Both Fauci and Biden were double vaccinated/double boosted. Yet, both contracted the virus! Biden has had COVID twice. Yet, these experimental vaccines, FDA approved on an emergency provision, became mandated. Many citizens were forced to take these vaccines or lose their jobs. Authoritarianism anyone?

But getting back to energy. We are experiencing 9.1% inflation, $4.50/gal. gasoline and a recession. Biden and the Democrats are dismantling the fossil fuel industry. China licks its chops. They are selling us the alternative energy infrastructure, to the place of fossil fuels. It will bankrupt the U.S. as we continue down this path. China, in turn, will become the number one economic power continuing to use fossil fuels for its energy needs. We will pay through the nose for electric car batteries and solar panels purchased from China. Thank the special interest lobbyists, Republicans and Democrats in Washington, D.C. working for the CCP and China to make it happen. Remember it is racist to speak ill of China!!

China president Xi told Biden, because of House speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, China no longer will honor international agreements in the reduction of fossil fuel consumption. China continues producing cheap power plants fueled with coal. India and Russia do the same. Why aren’t these countries worried about the end of the world? Because they don’t listen to government purchased scientists who predict the end of the world.

International oligarchs, invested in green energy, want fossil fuel use ended. The rich get richer! The poor get poorer.

Eighty percent of the renewable energy industry in which we are invested, comes from China. As we go electric at great expense, China, India, and Russia, go with fossil fuels. So not only do India and China not pay high prices for energy, we get poorer and dependent on China for generating our expensive, and much less reliable green energy. We’ve been had by the climate alarmists and the pandemic fear-mongers, and Wayne Johnson (see The Voice columnist) loves it.

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