Reader’s Commentary: Frothing at the mouth again: Trump derangement crowd

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda

The Donald Trump derangement crowd is frothing at the mouth again. “Wayne’s world Johnson” has spittle on his nose! Johnson and the Left don’t bother looking at the millions Biden has gotten from China or at Hunter’s criminality or Biden family corruption. The FBI still guards Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Leftists don’t look at Biden’s run-away inflation, chaos and Phentanyl on our borders, economic collapse, destruction of our fossil fuels, spiraling national debt, destruction of the dollar, soaring gas prices, the destruction of our justice system and the specter of going to war against two nuclear powers, Russia and China. Why is the Left so worried about Trump? The list above makes it a rhetorical question.

Leftists don’t much care about a two-tiered justice system as long as they are on the correct tier.

Nothing in the world exists for these Leftist with the exception of their fantasy to see Trump jailed. They’re delighted to think their devil will be in handcuffs, then behind bars. They’re foaming at the mouth screaming to their gods and yelling: “Rid the planet of Trump and MAGA!!”

Can you count how many times the Left has tried destroying Trump? How many times have they liighted the torches and screamed, “Now we have him! The walls are closing in on him!!” Once again, the mob runs after Frankenstein’s Monster.

To destroy Trump this time and forever, the Left uses a half-witted D.A by the name of Alvin Bragg who did not run on ridding New York of crime. He ran on the promise he would get rid of Trump. Bragg made getting rid of Trump the center of his alleged Soros-funded political campaign.

Justice in New York is no longer about stopping violence on the streets. It’s about stopping Trump from becoming president a second time. P.S. Trump is a leading candidate to become our 47th president.

Stalin, Mao, and Hitler killed/jailed their political rivals and enemies on fabricated charges in order to maintain their power. This situation was 20th Century communism. The political Left in the U.S. now wants Trump, the leading Republican candidate for president, jailed on trumped up charges. (pun intended) When Bragg started his crusade to become D.A., he had no idea with what he would charge Trump. But he knew he would find something. “Find me the man and I’ll find you the crime”, said Joseph Stalin of the former Soviet Union. Bragg says it now.

Seven years ago the DOJ didn’t consider it worthy going after Trump for hush money payments Trump made to Stormy Daniels. It was then considered a legal contract between Trump and Daniels. No evidence existed Trump used other money than his own for the payments. And, even if campaign money was used, the statute of limitations on that case had run its course. What has changed? Trump is running again!!

We had Russia collusion for three years, impeachment one, impeachment two, January 6, 2021-related congressional hearings, “Document Gate” and now this indictment. There are more indictments to come. The entire U.S. government, with all its resources, money, and manpower, including the FBI, DOJ, CIA, IRS, et al continues to politically harass this man. Why does this government and Wayne Johnson want Trump in jail so desperately? Again, rhetorical question!

Editor’s note: This Reader’s Commentary was both written and submitted to The Voice prior to the arraignment of former U.S. president Don Trump in New York City Tuesday, April 4 and prior to his scheduled remarks the same evening.

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