Reader’s Commentary: Note to Lakewood Springs Club members from director

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By Danny Fuentes

Lakewood Springs Club members, I thank you for your vote to put me on the Board to represent you two weeks ago for the next two years. I’ve been trying in touch to get in touch with the RealManage manager that’s supposed to handle all our business contracts for our lawn care, pool upkeep, the garbage coral maintenance, clubhouse cleanup, and last but not least, the kids play area. They need to do their job, and what we pay them to do.

Since I’ve been elected, I’ve noticed a lack of urgency from the RealManage manager. It’s more than two weeks and I still have no clubhouse key, or pool card, they were supposed to hand me in my first day. I’ve pleaded with them to find another pool service to use, because the current one isn’t living up to the contract and nobody is enjoying the pool.

In the short amount of time I’ve been here, there has been numerous problems, dirty pool, dirty lawn chairs, problems with key cards, both pools with horrible filtering systems that need to be replaced, dirty bathrooms, dirty clubhouse grounds.

Please speak up and demand change with RealManage group. You put money into their account so that your amenities are met. You have every right to have a clean pool, and clubhouse for your families to enjoy. Please demand results for the hard work you put into your homes, and demand the services you pay RealManage to do

— Danny Fuentes is the director, Lakewood Springs Club, in Plano.

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