Reader’s Commentary: Reaction by Wayne Johnson wrong in Jan. 18 piece

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda

Wayne’s World Johnson, the author of the piece, was wrote I was wrong suggesting he wanted Donald Trump executed similar to Mussolini during the last days of World War Two. I eagerly read Wayne’s World for my many mistakes.. I wanted to find where I had gone wrong writing about Wayne’s account of Mussolini’s execution. I found the quote of what Wayne had put into his hateful piece. It was word for word accurate which he had described Mussolini’s execution. I was not incorrect. Then after Wayne’s description of Mussolini’s execution, Wayne again lamented the idea Trump could not be treated as Mussolini: “Don-Don’s too fat to be dragged through the streets and hung.”

I read further into Wayne’s laughable incoherency and found an interesting disclaimer to his intentions. He argued: “Notice I said nothing about executing Trump, or even Mussolini (who not by his choice, did end up that way). I merely suggested you might have to try something other than dragging the fascist fat boy and hoisting him up by his feet.”

In Wayne’s World he can describe the exact way in which Mussolini was executed. But because he didn’t use the word execute you are wrong to think that’s what he is writing on. So, for his sake, we have to pretend to be stupid. We are supposed to play his word game so he can pretend to look innocent.

Most human beings with any decency don’t joke around about the assassination of anyone, especially a former president of the U.S. and it is both sick and dangerous to do, with emphasis on sick. If I were Wayne (spare the thought) I would not be beating this dead horse. But Wayne can’t leave it alone, which is why I believe he has chosen to write about it again. I think he loves thinking about executing Trump. He dreams about it. He is obsessed.

Wayne pretends to be concerned about the FBI’s paying him a visit because of his hateful and threatening language towards Trump. Sadly, he doesn’t need to worry about the FBI’s knocking on his door, especially when he writes about assassinating Donald Trump. Had I just been in Washington D.C. on the day of January 6, 2021, I would have gotten a knock on my door from Federal agents. The FBI along with many other agencies of our government have been politicized to the point we have a two-tiered justice system. John and Nisha Whitehead have written many enlightening articles in this publication on what is going on in our country and what he calls the police state in our country. Please read the Whiteheads’ columns and the descriptions of where this country is and where we are going.

The fabricated emergencies created by this government, such as COVID and climate change have created fear in our people. Fearful people are easily controlled. They are easily motivated to ignore their rights for what they perceive are safety measures provided by government regulations. Fear made it easy for government to push for COVID lockdowns, distancing, mask-wearing, and the mandated vaccinations, bodily autonomy be damned. Climate change insanity is pushing some residents to suicide, believe it or not. It is more important now than it ever has been to stay informed concerning government-overreach.

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