Reader’s Commentary: Response to Vince Smith letter in The Voice: Missing

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By Bill “Bela” Suhayda

In response to Vince Smith’s letter in The Voice December 22, 2022, Focus: True science, research.

As director of NIAID, Dr. Anthony Fauci dispenses $6.1 Billion in annual taxpayer funding for scientific research, allowing him to control the subject, content, and outcome of scientific exploration across the world. He has had tremendous influence in the field of human health research. Anthony Fauci uses his name and influence over hospitals, universities, journalists, and thousands of influential medical professionals and scientists. Dr. Fauci has power over many careers and institutions. He can reward, advance, or ruin the careers of tremendous numbers of people in medical administration, research, and even the practice of medicine.

Anthony Fauci launched his career during the early AIDS crisis.

He was partner with pharmaceutical companies to sabotage safe and effective off-patent treatments for AIDS. He did the same with COVID making sure inexpensive treatments such as Hydroxychloroquine, used anecdotally but effectively around the world, was not going to be used against COVID in the U.S.. Fauci designed fraudulent studies concerning AIDS, then pressured the (FDA) into approving a dangerous chemotherapy treatment he had good reason to understand was worthless against AIDS.

Fauci violated Federal laws when he allowed pharmaceutical companies to use minority children as experimental subjects in AIDS and cancer research. Vince Smith didn’t tell you about any of this situation.

Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci entered into a partnership that controls an increasingly profitable $60 billion global vaccine enterprise. Through funding, personal contacts with heads of state, media, and social media, the pharma-Fauci-Gates cabal gained control over global health policy.

Fauci, Gates, and partners used their control of media, scientific journals, key government agencies, global intelligence agencies, influential scientists and physicians to flood the public with fearful propaganda about COVID 19 virulence. Debate was not permitted. So debate was eliminated. Dissenting words were censored on social media and left- leaning mainstream media.

See Elon Musk and Twitter for details. Vince Smith didn’t tell you this situation, either.

But it gets worse. Federal regulatory restrictions on gain of function research are extremely restrictive in the U.S. So Anthony Fauci offshored COVID gain of function research to Wuhan China sending the virus and millions of dollars to Wuhan where a leak of the virus occurred. Whether this leak was deliberate or accidental is undetermined for now. The Joe Biden administration put a stop to any investigations as they pertain to COVID and Wuhan. Why?

Vince Smith didn’t tell you this either.

Dr. Fauci will be investigated for how he conducted this “Pandemic.” The Republican controlled House, coming in, will investigate him. Fauci first told us masks didn’t work. Then he told us they did work. FYI…..they don’t work. Then Fauci told us the vaccines would work. They didn’t work. The reason…COVID is a retrovirus. Retroviruses create variants endlessly into the future.

Imagine being mandated to be vaccinated for COVID the rest of your life for each new strain developed. Imagine the wealth creation for big pharma in this scenario.

Fauci understands all of this to be true. He lied about all of this information to make himself, Bill Gates, and Big Pharma wealthy. Vince Smith, the scientist, didn’t tell you any of this situation.

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