Reader’s Commentary: U.S. government proven not to be trusted: A response

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda

In response to Wayne E. Johnson, July 22 in The Voice,, the big time: Vaccine received, instead of refused: Americans have felt free to decide what they should or should not put into their bodies, until very recent history. We’ve assumed government respected our autonomy as individuals. We assumed constitutional rights still existed, at least until recently. Now Americans are wondering whether they may become second class citizens, not allowed to engage in normal society, if they make what they assume is still a free choice not to be vaccinated with vaccines never before tested. That’s right, these vaccines have been approved to be used, by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), under an emergency provision.

There have been no long-term studies on these RNA vaccines. By the definition of health care professionals, these vaccines are not vaccines in the traditional sense. Traditional vaccines are made from an attenuated virus causing the disease. These vaccines are made from the genetic material producing the virus. We Are The Guinea Pigs Mr. Johnson. Understand, all vaccines have a death toll. So for a person to decide to get a vaccine, a risk analysis is prudent. For this very reason, they never should be mandated. Buyer beware.

Many persons still remember hearing or reading about a government project named the “Tuskegee Experiment.” African American men were the sacrificial lambs in this horror story. These men were told they were receiving free health care from Federal government to entice them to join the “research.” Healthy men were deliberately infected with syphilis. Then they were put into control and experimental groups to find the effects therapeutic drugs had to combat the disease. FYI, those in control groups, of any experiment, are given placebos (sugar pills). Placebos are not treatments against syphilis or other diseases. Then these people died!

So perhaps those people Johnson calls “boneheads,” “ugly heads,” and “anti-vaxxers” are showing healthy skepticism of government experiments. Wayne would rather they behave as sheep and just be woke, like him, so he isn’t forced to call them names to shame them into being vaccinated. Maybe, and not coincidentally, it is African Americans who are exercising the most caution getting these shots. Judging only by the data, it’s in African Americans we see the lowest numbers vaccinated. Mr. Johnson perhaps doesn’t realize, the those he is attempting to shame have learned important things. One of those things is “If you don’t know your history…you are doomed to repeat it.” It’s apparent Wayne hasn’t learned much history, or science. He should stick with the Hamlet soliloquy. Wayne is, however, very talented, excelling in name-calling, ridicule, and delusions of grandeur!

I wrote an article on climate change in the “Reader’s Commentary” that was in May 13 issue, Strange bedfellows: Politics, science. I’m assured Wayne Johnson is speaking of my article when he did a critique of that writing in the July 22 publication of The Voice.

He writes and I quote: “He smugly (referring to me and my attitude) pointed out that one of the predictions Gore made years ago in “An Inconvenient Truth” book and movie concerning a point on the environmental disaster timeline hadn’t come to fruition by the date Al said it would.” It is a true statement, with the proviso there was more than one wrong prediction. What Al Gore predicted has been revised in climate models, many times since. Wayne goes further saying: “Unfortunately, I (speaking of himself) wasn’t sufficiently motivated to go back to read through this contributor’s (that’s me) so-called expert analysis to see exactly what he wrote.” So Wayne admits to critiquing my article without motivation to read it again! Hmm!! Is he all-knowing? He is certainly omniscient in terms of vaccines. I’m left to think Wayne has God-like powers knowing what’s good for everyone with abilities to critique writings without reading their contents. We kneel in reverence, Wayne.

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