Reader’s Voice: Better to celebrate Straight Pride

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June 3, 2023
Dear editor;

It’s June, and we’re supposed to once again dutifully hop on board the “Gay Pride” bandwagon and celebrate all things “gay.” But are we celebrating the fact that male homo/bisexuals have an HIV/AIDS rate that is 40-50 times the heterosexual HIV/AIDS rate? According to the CDC, 70% of new HIV/AIDS infections in this Country occur in homo/bisexual males, a tiny percentage of the population (

Are we celebrating the fact that lesbians have a higher breast cancer risk than straight women and male homosexuals have a higher anal cancer risk than straight men? (Those facts have been well-known for many years, and both lesbians and male homosexuals have those abnormally high risks because they live somewhat physiologically unnatural lifestyles.)

Are we celebrating the billions of dollars this country has spent just on diseases being spread by the LGBT community? For example, this country has spent approximately $112 Billion (that’s a conservative estimate) just on homo/bisexual HIV/AIDS since the start of the epidemic. We could have spent that $112 billion feeding starving children around the world, or on other similar worthy causes, instead of subsidizing those who engage in unsafe and somewhat physiologically unnatural sex and spread disease. Unprotected anal sex is one of the easiest ways to get AIDS.

Are we celebrating lifestyles and behaviors that thinking people have known for centuries are immoral? Plato, for example, perceptively taught that homosexual activity is immoral. Other intellectuals over the years have deprecated homosexual activity. It is relatively easy to point out serious flaws in all the arguments homo/bisexuals use to try to rationalize homosexual activity.

Are we celebrating all of the misinformation and lies the LGBT community has been spreading for years? For example, there never was any solid science behind the “born that way” propaganda. And the latest science essentially proved there are no gay genes in humans and that environmental factors (such as sexual abuse) are thus more likely contributors to sexual orientations.

Are we celebrating all of the sexual hang-ups and inhibitions that heterophobic homosexuals have which prevent them from enjoying normal sex?

Are we celebrating the hate campaign the LGBT community has been waging for years? They have been calling decent. moral, persons hateful names such as “breeder,” “bigot,” “Neanderthal,” etc., for years. Some odious results of their hate campaign: hate crimes against decent moral people who merely don’t agree with the irrational and extreme LGBT agenda.

Can’t see much to celebrate, or take pride in all this situation. Indeed, for those who value science, logic, natural law, and morality, there is a much better case for celebrating a Straight Pride Month.


Wayne Lela, Downers Grove

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