Reader’s Voice: Donald Trump’s past more evident

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Thursday, Sept. 22
Dear editor;

Well, now we know a few of the details that were behind Donald Trump’s refusal to release his income tax information to the American public during his presidential campaign and the four years that followed.

Letitia James, New York attorney general, brought to our attention how he and his immediate family have bilked the U.S. government out of hundreds of millions of dollars over the past decades. But does that come as a surprise to anyone? After all, the “stable genius” told us up front that he was too smart to pay taxes!

From his recent description of his ability to declassify highly sensitive governmental documents through use of his mind power alone, we are gaining an understanding of his extraordinary efforts to hide his scholastic records from us as well. This man is ignorant of what would seem to be common sense for most of us, and apparently legally required in the opinions of those who advise him on such matters.

Through the mountains of evidence that have been gathered and publicly presented, it is quite obvious to all but the most selectively blind among us, that Donald Trump has committed numerous crimes against this country and its citizenry for which he should be appropriately tried and convicted. But as his nonsensical rhetoric continues, my greatest concern is that his ultimate defense will be… “Not guilty, by reason of insanity”.

The Republican Party clings to this man as their leader? Into what, I ask!

Vince Smith, Big Rock

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