Reader’s Voice: Gun-filled cycle vicious

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May 23, 2022
Dear editor;

Here is a response to the Reader’s Voice article: Reader’s Voice: The answer: Intact mother/father in the May 19 edition.

This is on target as far as it goes, but preserving families appears to be easier said than done. Any specific suggestions as to how to accomplish this laudable goal?

There’s at least one other pertinent difference between today’s world and the gun-filled world of 100 years ago: We didn’t send drug users to prison back then. Today, we have the advanced world’s highest murder rate, even though we have the highest incarceration rate which should in theory, keep many potential murderers out of circulation. How is that possible? Perhaps it’s because our prisons turn out more and more potential murderers.

A prison record severely reduces a former inmate’s chances of being hired for legitimate work, but greatly enhances the available opportunities for making a living illegally.

I can’t think of a more dependable way to lead a nonviolent offender into a world of violence.

Craig Zabel, Aurora

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