Reader’s Voice: Morality in State in question

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April 22, 2018
Dear editor;
This is nothing new to those who follow the news, but we live in one of the worst states in the country. Financially, Illinois is a mess. One of the worst, if not the worst, and, morally we’re not doing too well, either.
The moral values of the dominant Democratic Party in this State are so upside-down, backwards, and twisted that they actually believe it’s okay to discriminate against and legally persecute decent, moral businesspeople who merely don’t want to cater to heterophobic homosexuals!
Thinking individuals have known for centuries that homosexual activity is immoral and a bad legal precedent, and have known that homosexuality is an objective disorder.
For example, Plato wisely and logically deprecated homosexual activity centuries ago. Many other intellectuals over the years have deprecated homosexual activity. It is relatively easy to point out serious flaws in all the arguments homosexuals use to try to rationalize homosexual activity.
So, to put voluntary, aberrant, homosexual activity on the same level as involuntary skin color, or age, is clearly absurd and downright offensive to many people of color.
But that discrimination is not bad enough for some bigoted Democratic Party extremists in this backward and upside-down State. No. Now they want to use the schools to indoctrinate little kids with pro-LGBT propaganda through new proposed legislation (SB 3249 and HB 5596). In other words, some extremist Democrats want to use schools to promote an immoral lifestyle.
Decent, ethical, individuals should be outraged over this indoctrination. In a way, this can be considered a subtle form of child abuse, of taking advantage of innocent children. Children are too young to be able to refute the lame and silly arguments pro-LGBT individuals use.
Talk about being on the wrong side of history. These are bizarre times we live in, where some values are upside-down and backwards and actually think they are progressive, while they are trying to take us back 2,000 years to the ancient Greek and Roman times when relatively primitive and ignorant people irrationally valued homosexual activity. Unreal.
Wayne Lela
Downers Grove

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