Reader’s Voice: Needed: Action by Congress on storms

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January 16, 2023
Dear editor;

Keep pressure on lawmakers to combat climate change.

The news of storms and flooding hitting California in recent days is yet another wake-up call about the terrible social and economic costs of climate change.

Rising temperatures with climate change causes the air to hold more moisture and make worse all kinds of storms. The climate legislation in the Inflation Reduction Act will help reduce our carbon emissions, but we still have a long way to go. We need to keep the pressure on Congress to do more.

We can’t just sit back and become numb to the deluge of disasters. How is it okay that a five-year-old boy was taken from his mother by this horrific storm? What will it take for us to say enough is enough?

Please contact your members of Congress and insist that they work together now to pass bipartisan measures that ramp up our fight against the unforgiving monster of climate change.

Ken Mozingo, Yorkville

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