Reader’s Voice: On following rules and bad behavior

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May 1, 2021
Dear editor;

Here we go again with the Monday Morning Quarter Backs (M.M.QBs). This 13- year old so-called “angel boy” was registered as a runaway by his mother. Then he returned home. Why is the media refraining from talking about what he was doing at 2:30 in the morning? He was shooting at passing cars, with innocent drivers just driving along. The police were alerted to the situation by the system Chicago has regarding shots fired. Then this “angel boy” still has the gun in his hand, and everyone could see it.

In that split second that he flipped it away, should the cop have waited to see how good the “angel boy’s” aim was? Yes, I feel sorrow for his mother. I don’t know what her circumstances were, but I had four boys, and I started when they were young. There were rules and if they didn’t follow them, they were punished, not with a time-out in their bedroom with a television and a computer, or video game, similar to what kids have today.

No, they were not beaten. No bike-riding, doing dishes for a week, or more, and sometimes a good swat where it would do the most good. To let a 13-year old tell me what he was going to do, and get away with it? Never happen! And we checked on who their friends were!

I’d love to see what these M.M.Q.Bs would really do if they were in the cop’s shoes that night. They might have to change their shorts!

Now I hear that the family of George Floyd wants his criminal record expunged. Really? I certainly do not agree with what happened to George Floyd, and how it happened, but because he tried to pass a counterfeit $20 bill, just where would he be if he had put his hands behind him, and had the cuffs placed on him.

Probably he did something wrong, and he got caught. He fought the police. When the police call in about a subject, doesn’t the dispatcher give the arresting cop a rundown on the perp.? So, this wasn’t his first crime. Maybe he resisted arrest previously. I don’t know, just saying, but I did not take a megaphone out in the streets and yell and try to agitate a swarm of to riot, and blame the mom cops.

I think they should arrest those with the megaphones! You know, Cain killed Abel with a rock. God didn’t blame the rock! He blamed Cain! Should be the same with our government on gun control! Stop blaming the responsible gun owners and concentrate on the gangs and those who go around shooting innocents. Seems to me those who are pushing for gun control are being protected by those with guns! Go figure.

Evelyn Essling, Aurora

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