Reader’s Voice: On truth twisted and distorted

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September 22, 2023
Dear editor;

I had quite a few topics that I wanted to share my voice on, but after receiving the latest edition I decided to put them aside and address Bill’s most recent submission. Bill, I see you as an example of many well-meaning, educated, compassionate Americans who have been taken in by the distortion of truth prevalent today. It bleeds through various news outlets, the internet, social media sites and unfortunately in some of our churches. A bit of truth is given, and then twisted, distorted, and magnified by playing on the fear, hopes, dreams, and paranoia, of many. We are all vulnerable to it and in walks, Donald Trump takes advantage of the whole world of misconceptions.

Bill, I believe I can say that Wayne does not hate Donald Trump. Knowing some of Wayne’s life journey I am guessing he has run into individuals such as Trump who deceive and take advantage of situations. Wayne uses his wit and humor to give us a glimpse into who the man actually is. That is not hate. It is making an assessment on where the man is coming from and nothing to do with politics. Trump is someone I would not want in my space, no matter how I vote, or how I believe.

Yes, The Voice has given you space to express your views. I am full of hope that America will come through this stage where many persons are led by various entities to believe that which has only a bit of truth. I imagine in my mind 10 years from now a sociologist picking up your articles and others like them as examples of how well- meaning, good, people were wrongly persuaded to believe that which has only the taste of truth.

When we get through this situation, I look forward to having discussions on American issues where we come from the same reality and see the nuances of them. I was caught up in some false ideologies and am so thankful to have stepped away. I feel better without all the fear and angst. I have great compassion for my former self because I see how we are all vulnerable to it.

Bill, I hope you see this not as an attack on you, but, as a way of reaching out to shed some light on your contributions to he Voice. I wish you well and peace.

Marjorie Logman, Aurora

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