Reader’s Voice: Proceed with true caution

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December 30, 2023
Dear editor;

Some would like to believe that the issues today are all brand new. Believing that early American culture was not based on division, class wars and prejudice is to have blinders on. The issues today come from seeds planted long ago.

America is filled with mind fields that are harder to detect than ones that hide explosives. For example, the food choices we are presented. The lure of fast food is tremendous, but the long-range detriment is becoming more obvious. The grocery store can be a mind field of label reading as what appears good and healthy is often just an appearance. Retail entices us to buy more of what we don’t need for the quick fix of having.

Even the doctor’s office can be slow walk through a mind field. So many unnecessary tests and medicines with fewer positive outcomes. The drugs that are to help are often the ones that can drive you deeper into illness. I know that from experience. Do they really want you better or do they want you hooked in the system?

Even church is a place to proceed with caution. A warm greeting does not always mean warmth. So many places openly, or subtly teach people to hate or judge what they don’t understand and calling it God. I could not leave Christian TV on without a warning. Many pastoral doctorates are paid for to give a false sense of expertise. Many of the broadcasts continue the promotion of fear and false riches. Even the Bible needs a guiding hand as it changes its mind and often allows for violence.

Certain newspapers can’t be left on the table, not because the opinions don’t share my views, but because some views are not reality-based. We cannot be calling falsehoods another opinion. True sharing of opinion brings conversation not meanness. I am learning from a contributor that buzz words present themselves when falsehoods are presented. As different products contain warnings, all forms of media need warnings to proceed with caution: Falsehoods ahead. Again, check ourselves that it is not our bias that declares a warning. It can be exhausting, but keeps one alert.

We have a candidate for president of the U.S. who needs a sign to protect the young. Warning proceed with caution: Lies and fear-mongering ahead. He has manipulated good people into a frenzy. He has swum so long in his lies and deception he thinks they are real. We need a caution sign by the pond.

I have discovered that seats of power do not always contain wisdom, maturity, and expertise. Our Aurora City Council showed that last week by assuming they have all the answers and by their inability to accept thoughtful criticism with grace and dignity. Another place to navigate through.

I am thankful for the counterculture that is forming not to demand conformity, but, for our health and well-being be a place where life can be lived without the presence of the mine fields of current western culture.

Marjorie Logman, Aurora

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