Reader’s Voice: Safety first reason to vote yes

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April 25, 2022
Dear editor;

Vote yes on the June 28 Referendum to provide funding for OFPD (Oswego Fire Protection District) to keep up with our growing safety needs.

In 2002, the only thing in town on Route 34 was farmland and the Home Depot and the population was approximately 15,000. Twenty years later you can see the business growth on Route 34 and the number of subdivisions built to raise Oswego’s population to more than 35,000.

Who do you call when Dad keels over with a heart attack? Ghostbusters? They won’t help you, but neither could our Fire Department if they’re already out on call for three other Dads who just keeled over or were busy at someone else’s car accident or fire or medical issue.

What a difference it could make between life and death if it was you in that emergency situation and we had one more fully-staffed and up-dated equipped ambulance to respond for you or your loved ones.

Increased funding is needed to replace aging equipment and for recruiting and retaining top notch firefighter paramedics. Growth, equipment cost increases, and the 6,195 calls in 2021 an increase from 1,000 in 2001 have outpaced the previous 19-year-old tax increase so OFPD can meet its goal of the highest level of service to the community.

I’m a homeowner, a mom of six, a gramma of 18, and great gramma to newborn Luka. I live on a pension and Social Security. Do I have money to throw around and easily pay for inflated grocery and gas prices? You bet I don’t, but I know you don’t get something for nothing. Will I tighten my belt a little more to help pay for an increase in my safety? You bet I will.

OFPD was there for me when my husband keeled over in 2017. I’ll be there for them June 28 and vote Yes on the OFPD Referendum. If I can do it, you can do it. And if you’re looking for a job, how about applying to be a much-needed firefighter paramedic. I’d be mighty proud of you if you did.

Judy Siedlecki, Oswego

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