Reader’s Voice: Science: Vaccines best weapons

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August 6, 2021
Dear editor;

Although now retired from a successful career in scientific research, I remain a scientist. I believe in science and all those who have contributed their scientific expertise in an effort to address and eliminate this COVID-19 pandemic which is upon us. Based upon the conclusions and recommendations of a multitude of those in the biological and medical sciences, the pathway to victory over this enemy requires a level of vaccination among our citizenry far above its current level. Yet, far too many among us remain adamantly resistant to participating in this war, presumably due to fear of the unknown or their own selfish interests. Thank God that those who fought the prior wars of this country did not have the same attitude!

It is certainly true that these amazing vaccines have been granted only emergency approval from the FDA, but that’s not because of any question regarding the effectiveness of the vaccines, but rather their unknown possible long-term side effects. Admittedly, those effects only can be evaluated with more time and more data with those having been vaccinated, but this is an emergency! We do not have the luxury of more time. As responsible citizens, we are obligated to balance the known benefits to ourselves and our neighbors, against the unknown cost of many hospitalizations and deaths yet to come.

Unfortunately the wide reach of today’s social media has too often complicated our efforts to determine where this balance lies. In too many instances, individuals who know little of the subject about which they write have been provided a platform from which to broadcast their ignorance. But to the benefit of those who rely partially, or even solely, upon these media for their information, Facebook, and others are to be commended in their efforts to filter their content to avoid the spread of false or misinformation. Some might label this as censorship, but I would label it as responsible journalism.

Ultimately, the decision to vaccinate, or not to vaccinate, is up to each one of us as individuals and as citizens of this great country. It is our responsibility to listen to those who have done the research, gathered the data, and made their best recommendations. Hopefully our decisions will be based upon facts and logic, rather than ignorance and selfishness.

Vince Smith, Big Rock

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