Reader’s Voice: Shift from fanstasyworld needed

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December 12, 2021
Dear editor;

I am a white, American, Christian who spent many years in the Evangelical community. I no longer can be complicit by not speaking out how this form of Christianity has turned in ways I cannot accept, or see God’s hand in it. The spiritual, the charismatic, in many places has turned into a fantasyworld. In trying to speak out when I detached myself, I was accused of trying to discredit God, or even speaking from Satan, which is not true.

In this fantasyworld everyone else is the enemy, a communist, a persecutor of Christians, and a people of no character because they don’t belong to our group. It is so untrue. Another fantasy is the indoctrination of children in public schools. Showing our faults, or inadequacies, is not allowed in fantasyworld. We are perfect in this Country just as God is perfect.

Don’t bring up the truth about slavery, or how in the name of God we tortured Native Americans and their families.

Healing only comes through the admission of wrong-doing. It is always the other who is wrong in this fantasyworld even though sexual and child abuse are rampant in Christianity.

Abortion lives strong in fantasyworld. It was not until it was seen as a political move to get Christians in office did it become an issue in the Church.

Vaccinations and mandates are in fantasyland. We always must be cautious, but there is no government plot. We just want to get well and stay well such as we did with the polio vaccine in the 1950s.

Donald Trump saw the vulnerabilities in fantasyworld and became their idol. He got so far in, I think he actually believes his own lies. The worst to me in fantasyworld, is that the United States belongs to Christians. There is no document, or creed where God has declared it. Cherry-picking scripture and documents do not make it true or real.

My prayer is that Christianity can call itself into account by those who live in the real world of the Gospel and move back to a reality-based religion and based on God and Jesus. Then the Country can move to be a more inclusive country by loving each other through our journey of life.

Come out of your fear and bring tidings of comfort and joy this season.

Marjorie Logman, Aurora

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