Reader’s Voice: Whitehead commentary lacks substance

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December 28, 2022
Dear editor;

I appreciate the John and Nisha Whiteheads’ effort to warn of the “undermining” of the U.S. Constitution by Congress, the White House, and the courts.

However, the Whiteheads’ commentary lacks real substance behind exaggerated, inflammatory, and at times, dubious rhetoric. They state: “We are in the grip of martial law… made-up of weaponized, militarized, domestic police forces”. They continue: “We are in the governments’ crosshairs” as it “continues to act as judge, jury, and executioner over a populace that has been pre- judged and found guilty.” If these or any of their other claims are to be elevated beyond mere speculation, legitimate sources should be listed as evidence to substantiate them. Unsupported, outrageous statements such as these overshadow and diminish the authors’ credibility, subverting the importance of whatever it is they are trying to say elsewhere in their commentary.

I am not a constitutional scholar; therefore, I am ill-equipped to verify or refute many of the Whiteheads’ ambiguous assertions. Perhaps I am reading with my nose too close to the page, but it seems to me that reckless, hollow, accusations are more appropriate on social media platforms. In a newspaper commentary, I regret to say, they read like hokey propaganda.

David Hoehne, Aurora

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