Reader’s Voice: Who decides a person’s value?

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February 12, 2019
Dear editor;
I have a question for you, Aurora, and the country! Who decides who is valuable?

I hear thoughts about rating individuals by merit. Who decides the standard? Who decides what culture is the best: White, African American, Mexican, Indian, Native American, Chinese?

Some with white European ancestry seem to think they have the most value. They conquered territories and countries with little regard for the people there. Weren’t the conquered of value, too?

Are the rich more valuable than the poor? The intellects over the average and the not so average?

Doesn’t it cause division, protests, fighting, and hate speech when the other person’s value is diminished for our own gain?

If you lack opportunity are you less valuable than those handed opportunity? Aren’t we all God’s children from many places, cultures, experiences, and abilities all making contributions to society?

If you know your own value and uniqueness, is there really a need to rob others of theirs?

I am open to responses and answers.
Marjorie Logman

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