Revival of common sense the request

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August 25, 2020
Dear editor;

It is the death of common sense:

I understand much clearer now the reasons for Christ’s crucifixion: The mob would not defer to truth. Jesus Christ had to go, according to the mob.

A virus is not a new invention. Check it out. It was and still may be put to use by one-world-order tyrants. Our own military may have invented them. Remember Vietnam? Just as the coronavirus came creeping in on us, the government told us we had a military base designated to invent and research other viruses. So do other countries.

Now, common sense is a value which is seldom put to use in all generations. They prefer wars. Americans have been infused with pre-planned wars and other immoral activities, associations, voter fraud. Anti-life herds such as the population control outfits. Why? It is a method to rid the country overloaded with retired pensioners without firing a bullet.

Common sense is not an inherited virtue. Study, research, listening to all opinions helps. Minorities, or, more likely, a single genius will present us with the truth. My old friend, Dr. Ratner (deceased) risked everything, including his job, to stand up against the Salk vaccine. Time proved him right which resulted in the saving of uncounted lives from the polio vaccine.

Last week I was banned from the DuPage swim center. I know I am supposed to genuflect to popular goings on, but Christ did not. Mob rule includes punishment. Two of us have been banned from the pool permanently.

Question: What punishment did the Aurora mob receive for wrecking our Main Street recently?

Christ’s crucifixion is a vitamin that has spread around the world. I pray common sense will, too. I am not a Rothschild or a Rockefeller, so my influence is limited, but not my prayers. My flogging will be in the confessional.

Joan Solms, Aurora Township

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