Satisfaction: Dropping off voting ballot at County office

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Mail-in ballots are valid. They do work, noise to the contrary, notwithstanding.

We do live in interesting times and ultimately memorable, not because they are legitimately difficult times, rather because overall we can find a way to overcome those difficult times.

We must overcome the polarization in the country. Respectful disagreement is better than pointing fingers and setting goals of always being right and having our way. To each his own and to her own. When the November 3 election is concluded, whatever date brings into focus those who are elected in all offices, from president to assistant floor-sweeper, some semblance of healing must begin. Perpetual politics must be diminished.

The determination by the conductor of this space, and his wife, to complete early ballot fulfillment, was interesting and satisfying. Nothing remained of voting importance recessed in the back of the mind. Early voting started September 24 in Kane County at two County Clerk sites, one in Geneva and one in Aurora. Work obligations prevent convenient voting on the first Tuesday in November each year. In previous years casting votes early at sites away from polling places completed the deal. Voting is a right, privilege, and important. It is only one vote, however, it fulfills conscious choices.

This year was the first time for standing in line to drop off an envelope, a requested early-voting ballot, at a County Clerk’s office, Kane in this case, and a retirement in view for leader of the office, John Cunningham. Time marches on. There are many good candidates on the ballots who work hard to be elected and avoid the stigma of political hacks.

The line was short Friday of last week to drop off the sealed ballot. We saw the big bin to hold the ballots, courtesy of the person who kept critical observation on the proceedings. There was an issue with the wording on the back of the envelope which required a signature, however, it will provide an opportunity to make it smoother next year. Improvement is a goal.

The lines were continual, orderly, and met the function of securing voting rights.

Similar to wearing masks because of the COVID-19, or, not wearing masks, we must not let such a choice become political. Divisiveness is not admirable and it must not be allowed to grow. We can do better with respectfulness. It does not impede our patriotism. We should take the time to vote. It does matter to each individual and it matters for our collective good.

Clear and Concise, Week 40:

• Have we improved anyone’s understanding of the use of words, tense, and not using nouns as verbs in this space which reaches week 40 of Clear and Concise? Try we must. It can be done.

• Repeat: It is normality and not normalcy. Question is not correct as a verb. It is a noun. We ask questions. Access is a noun and not a verb. Classic: It is regardless and not irregardless.

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