Significant preservation, respecting, nature on Zoom June 21

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In today’s world, it is crucial to recognize the significance of preserving and respecting nature. The earth has given us numerous gifts that we take for granted every day, from the food we grow, to the air we breathe, and the water we drink. Someone working tirelessly to restore balance and teach others the importance of practicing the Honorable Harvest is author Robin Wall Kimmerer. Join the Aurora Public Library District (APLD) and libraries across Illinois for an evening with Kimmerer Wednesday, June 21 at 7 p.m. on Zoom.

Robin Wall Kimmerer will offer a deep connection to nature. She will interact with State libraries June 21 on Zoom.

Robin Wall Kimmerer is an acclaimed author, botanist, and science professor, known for her deep connection to nature and passion for promoting a more sustainable and equitable world. A member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, Kimmerer was named a 2022 MacArthur Fellow for her environmental conservation work.

Her writing blends indigenous knowledge, scientific research, and personal experiences to offer a unique perspective on the interdependence of humans and the natural world. Her first book, “Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants,” has received widespread praise and has become a touchstone in the movement towards rethinking our relationship with the earth; most notably for honoring the principles of the Honorable Harvest in her daily life.

The Honorable Harvest is a set of principles for respecting the natural world. It is a crucial aspect of many indigenous cultures that teaches us how to live in a more sustainable way. The Honorable Harvest emphasizes the importance of taking only what is needed and using all that is taken, giving thanks and recognition to the plants, animals, and ecosystems that provide resources.

In return, practicing reciprocity by giving back to the land and community is essential. Giving back can mean volunteering with environmental organizations, participating in ecological restoration projects, or simply learning about the plants in your own yard and taking care of them responsibly. “There’s something powerful about growing food for yourself, other people that you love, or your community.” said APLD event and program coordinator, Ali Lanthrum.

“Gardening often enhances the relationship between the gardener, Earth, and wildlife.” By embodying these principles, we can work towards a more sustainable and harmonious relationship with the natural world.

This virtual program with Robin Wall Kimmerer is a rare opportunity to hear from one of the most prolific voices in the movement toward a more sustainable and equitable future. We hope by attending many will be inspired to make positive changes in their lives and communities. To view the event Wednesday, June 21, please register at, or, contact the Library at 630-264-4117.

This event is made possible by Illinois Libraries Present, a statewide collaboration among public libraries offering premier events.

Andrea Tiberi is the communications coordinator for the Aurora Public Library District.

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