Sugar Grove Library will reopen with limited schedule

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The Sugar Grove Library has identified Monday, July 13 as a target date for reopening with limited hours and services as part of the Phase 4 ReOpen Illinois Plan.

A library differs from a business in that materials are circulated, touched, shared, and then recirculated to community members. Our physical spaces are shared, with a voluminous amounts of surfaces that are touched by patrons, in a building that is a closed environment as opposed to open air. Our patron base is diverse, and we are frequently visited by patrons who may be deemed in the vulnerable categories if COVID is contracted. A phased in, and cautious approach has been advised in order to handle the extra associated cleaning, materials management, and to mitigate the risk of exposure to our staff members.

We recognize that every library may move at a different pace with reopening hours of operation. At Sugar Grove, part of our measures recognize that we are a small staff with limited hours and resources in relation to other surrounding libraries. The staff members work exceedingly hard for materials handling, patron services, however managing their safety and reducing risk is a priority.

The Institute of Museum and Library Services funded definitive studies (REALM study) to review how long COVID-19 lives on materials and surfaces that may be shared by patrons. Results indicated that it remains on surfaces for three days, and this data helped us decide on the course of action to manage materials as well as plan reopening.

We will reopen Monday, July 13 with the same hours that have been provided by curbside services. This will include Monday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m..

A concierge desk will be in the front foyer to count patrons because a limited amount of patrons will be allowed per square foot. It is recommended that each patrons utilize the Library for 30 minutes at a time, and essentially “Grab and Go” their browsed materials. Masks are required to enter, and an additional policy, Policy 405: Face Mask Addendum to Patron Code of Conduct will be in effect.

We will continue to provide curbside services until July 9. Beginning July 13 all holds will be picked up in Library. The Library will continue to go fine free for now, however renewals are not available.

Specific points of service may include:

• Face masks are required, please review Policy 405 on the website;

• “Grab and Go” browsing – courtesy time limits;

• Continued quarantine of returned materials for three days, checked in on the fourth day;

• Protective shields in place for both staff and patrons;

• Staff utilizing personal protective equipment;

• Sanitizer throughout the building, usage required upon entrance;

• Distancing measures in place – designated waiting and service points;

• Meeting rooms, study spaces and tables are not available at this phase

• Toy/play areas are not available at this phase;

• Shared keyboards may be covered in plastic, replaced frequently;

• Sanitizing wipes for shared surfaces available;

• Frequently cleaning during open hours;

• Cleaning of surfaces and sanitization on closed days;

• Filters in the HVAC replaced with highest grade possible, dampers opened to 80% for increased fresh air flow.

We will continue to evaluate open hours, and add more in as both patrons and staff members adapt to the extra workload and restrictions. More hours are anticipated to be added as we will evaluate, and hopefully expand services every two weeks. We will continue to adapt to safety and health data, and Illinois restrictions and mandates.

Programming is not expected to resume until fall, at minimum September. Events as well as civic space usage will be responsive to the latest information available, and likely to continue to evolve in the next few months.

Scenarios for Reductions in Services:

The library will cease in-person services if any of the following situations occur:

• State reverts back to Phase 3, or prior phases of the Restore Illinois Plan;

• Village or County sees a significant increase of positive COVID-19 cases;

• County or State Health officials advise us to cease in-person operations;

• A staff member tests positive for COVID-19 or significant risk from patrons;

• The library can no longer provide access to necessary PPE for the staff members;

• Any other reason deemed relevant and necessary by the Board president and/or Library director.

While this announcement is certainly not inclusive, it is a starting point to help share reopening information with our patrons. We would like to also call upon our patrons to utilize respect and graciousness as we understand some of these restrictions may be frustrating and limiting. Working with the public in an environment which may increase their risk of exposure, as well as navigating the sea of opinion and commentary can indeed be challenging for our staff. Our staff will be asked to do much, quickly, and may be limited in providing some of the personal touches that enhance patron relationships, and focus on materials and content first and foremost.

We are called to serve, and very much appreciate our patrons. Indeed we have missed face to face interaction, and doing what we love best by providing quality events, resources, and content as we know our community values the relationships of the Library as much as just the transactions. Our “new normal” will be decidedly different for a bit, but we hope that as risks continue to be reduced, our hours and services can be returned to a responsive normal that will pivot to meet our resident’s needs.

You are welcome to provide feedback to Shannon Halikias, Library director, at shannon@sgpl.orgWe look forward to seeing the faces of our patrons of all ages very soon.

Thank you for your support, and we hope you stay safe and well.


Shannon Halikias, Sugar Grove Library director

— Sugar Grove Library

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