Supermajority group seeks mobilization of women in politics

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First of two parts
Reprinted from The Voice, May 9, 2019

Cecile Richards, a recent guest on the MSNBC Morning Joe television program, announced that she and co-sponsor Alicia Garza have formed a new organization entitled: “Supermajority.”

The following article was written by Chantal da Silva for Newsweek.

“Three prominent activists have launched an organization seeking to encourage women to use their political power to influence the country’s elections, including the upcoming 2020 presidential race.

“(Led) by Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza, former Planned Parenthood chief Cecile Richards, and executive director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, Ai-jen Poo, Supermajority, as the group has been named, aims to mobilize at least two million women over the next year to become political leaders within their communities.

“‘Women are marching, running for office, donating to, and advocating for causes and campaigns, and voting in record numbers. We can be the most powerful force in America—if we do the work together,’ Supermajority’s website states. ‘One woman can be ignored, two can be dismissed, but together, we’re a Supermajority, and we’re unstoppable.’

“In an apparent reference to the #MeToo movement, the organization, which describes itself as multiracial and intergenerational, said that “in the past two years, we’ve seen what happens when women mobilize.

“‘We’ve been the majority of voters in every national election since 1964. In 2018, women helped elect a Congress with a record-breaking 127 women members,’ the group said. But while ‘women are on the cusp of becoming the most powerful force in America,’ Supermajority’s co-founders say that to ‘fundamentally transform this country’ women must work together.

“To help further that goal, the group’s leaders say their organization will provide on-the-ground training to help women advocates ‘get and stay informed on issues that affect their lives,’ in addition to creating a ‘women’s agenda’ that will put women’s issues first, ‘from economic equity and opportunity to dignity and safety on the job to keeping families and communities safe.’

Continued next week

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