Tag: Mayor Richard Irvin

Aurora blessed by the late Misters: Orlando Rivera, Dan Dolan, Sr.

Here is the weekly message by Richard C. Irvin, mayor of Aurora. As I was preparing to attend the visitation ceremony for Mr. Orlando Rivera Thursday, Feb. 20, I received the news of the passing of Mr. Dan Dolan, Sr.. Aurora was blessed to have received impacts by both men....

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Active in Aurora: Morton’s restaurant, Poet Laureate search

With the annual Newspaper Week next week we should have a salute to and reference to functions of a community newspaper. We have the experience of tight space and do not have to float photos and articles. We leave out many relevant items we would and should include. With that...

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Mayor Richard Irvin of Aurora on mass shootings in Texas

“It is another sad day in America with yet another mass shooting. I’ve reached out to mayor Jerry Morales of Midland, Texas, and mayor David Turner of Odessa, Texas, to offer any and all support from the City of Aurora to their hurting communities. “We, in Aurora, know their pain...

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