Tag: Volunteer

Volunteer March 8 or 9 to package food to save lives

Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is once again hosting the Feed the Need! MobilePack event, inviting volunteers to pack more than 800,000 life-saving meals during several shifts on March 8 and 9 at Benedictine University in Lisle. By working with others to scoop rice, soy, dried vegetables, vitamins and minerals,...

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Hospital wheelchair repairs a service

By Donna Fisher, Marketing specialist, Rush-Copley Medical Center, Aurora When Sam Baiardo retired in 2009, his spouse suggested he do something to keep busy. Since then, he has become a valued volunteer at Rush-Copley Medical Center, and as served more than 3,500 hours. Sam received his start at Rush-Copley by...

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Fox Valley Crisis Line seeks volunteers

Are you willing to answer the call for help? Friends, family and neighbors in your community are experiencing alarming rates of anxiety, loneliness, suicidal ideation, depression, and substance use. The need for crisis line support never has been greater. Volunteers can make differences for themselves and heir community by becoming...

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Volunteers needed for prairie plants

The West Aurora Cemetery is seeking volunteers to help prepare an area in the Cemetery to plant native prairie plants. We will meet at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 27, at the 601 Wilder Street entrance. Inspired by the Illinois Monarch Project, the Cemetery offers a perfect location to turn a...

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Volunteer’s orientation at Forest Preserve

There are volunteer opportunities available with the Forest Preserve District of Kane County at an upcoming Volunteer Orientation. Volunteers are needed in the following areas: Natural resources; environmental education; public safety; trails and recreation; and cultural and historic preservation. Orientation sessions for year 2020 are from 7 p.m. to 8...

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Letter extols virtues of volunteerism column

Editors note: Here is a letter to Barb Nadeau about one of her columns: Hello Ms Nadeau, I thought you might find it interesting to hear from someone who read your recent column, and lives in New York state. I recently visited my relatives in Chicagoland and picked up The...

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Veterans can help as CASA volunteers

Fighting to be an advocate for vulnerable children in local communities around Illinois, State representative, Stephanie Kifowit, D-Oswego, joined a group of bipartisan State legislators, some of whom were veterans, and representatives from Illinois Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) to call on Illinois veterans to consider training with their local...

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