Tag: Wayne Johnson

Harmful toys to watch out for this holiday season

Every year the World Against Toys Causing Harm, Inc. (W.A.T.C.H.) produces a list of the most dangerous kiddy toys available the upcoming Christmas season. The intention is to give diligent, concerned parents a purchasing guideline so they’ll be able to instruct Santa on which toys to bring that will keep...

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Not again; here comes another four years

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me,” or something along those lines. Hard to believe, but we’ll have convicted criminal sex abuser Dumbo Donald Trump to kick around again for four more years, with many of his cohorts and deviants at his side. He appears...

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Election over; a military memory for Veterans Day

I think we all breathed a sigh of relief now that the election is finally over, similar to the sigh of relief that escapes you when a horrible period of constipation finally passes. The relief, I’m afraid, will be short-lived when Donald Trump and his demon horde begin implementation of...

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Spooky time of year: Halloween and elections

Boo! A glorious Happy Halloween to all you, The Voice readers. By the time the next issue of The Voice lands in your mailbox or wherever your issue normally lands, thousands of area children will be coming down from their trick-or-treat sugar high, the Great Pumpkin will have been nibbled...

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I wish I could unsee this, Wild Bill at it again

Just when I thought it was safe to sit down and have a leisurely read of The Voice, what should assault my poor nearsighted eyes but a piece written by pseudo-contributor Bela “My Nose Keep Getting Longer” Suhayda. I took a Dramamine tablet and was able to read through his...

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Would you buy a used anything from this man?

For the third The Voice column I’m writing this month, it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, my Lumi deodorant is doing its advertised job, the stock market’s up, inflation, gas prices, Donald Trump’s poll numbers and the value of his Truth...

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Reader’s Commentary: Democrat plot: Unsecure southern border, illegals voting

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Thirty-nine days until election day and I learned there have been more than 400,000 criminal aliens who have entered our country through our southern border. Among these 400,000 criminal illegals, there are more than 15,000 who are convicted rapists and another 13,000 that have been convicted...

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Reader’s Commentary: Something sinister in our country, left’s hypocrisy

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda I see something sinister and evil that has invaded our country. I don’t believe I’m alone in this observation. We have family against family, friend against friend, and a fear in many to speak out about what they think. We have lost our collective trust and...

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It’s debatable, but not worth the effort

Once again, it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the stock market’s up, inflation, gas prices, Donald Trump’s poll numbers and the value of his Truth Social stock are down and dropping lower every day. The only things on the rise in...

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Reader’s Commentary: ‘Wayne’s World’ incorrect, Dems botched Afghanistan

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda “Wayne’s World” Johnson, again, proves to us he doesn’t do his homework. Wayne and factual information don’t mix well. But perhaps it isn’t because Wayne is uninformed, but he’s gotten irrational. Maybe it’s more that Johnson’s depression has made him that way. Wayne is depressed. His...

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Reader’s Commentary: Democratic convention, response to Wayne, Harris, hiding

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Honorable people are truthful people, which is why Wayne’s World Johnson is not an honorable man. Wayne’s articles have taken on an even more dishonest and hateful tone than Quentin Tarantino’s “The Hateful Eight. Charles Coddington’s pieces are a close second. I believe Wayne’s anger has...

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Shame: Trump disrespect for military veterans

Getting right to the point, which I admit is a bit unusual for me, in a few of my past columns I’ve noted the disrespect that draft dodger and fat, orange, phony-bone-spurred marshmallow, Donald Trump has for veterans, especially those who gave their lives for America in wars and hostile...

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Candidates should be careful not make bad statements

Isn’t life grand? Just when Flotsam and Jetsam emerged claw-in-claw on top of the world from the GOP convention, having been confirmed as presidential and vice-presidential nominees, along comes Kamala Harris to drop some acid rain on their parade. I think Kamala should be able to abandon her campaign plans,...

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Unconventional thoughts on our political conventions

I didn’t watch much of the GOP convention because I pretty much knew what would take place. Also, it was on too soon after dinner for me to take a chance on not keeping my meat loaf down. Wisconsin governor Tony Evers had nothing good to say about it. Listening...

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Reader’s Commentary: A challenge to return to civil discourse

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda My family arrived here in the United States in 1957 during the Eisenhower administration. We were refugees from communist Hungary, one of many countries under Russian occupation behind the iron curtain. We escaped a totalitarian regime that thought nothing of executing their people or political rivals...

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On taking exceptions to wild claims, Wild Bill

So much to comment on this week, it’s like trying to stuff 10 pounds of my nonsense in a five-pound barf bag, while I pretend to care. First and foremost is the recent presidential debate. Poor Joe Biden had a very bad night. After the debate and his poor showing,...

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Reader’s Commentary: Joe Biden’s dysfunctions have been hidden

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda Hans Christian Anderson wrote a satire entitled “The Emperor Wears No Clothes.” It’s a story of two swindlers pulling a fraudulent stunt on a vain King obsessed with fashion and nobility. The two con men tell the King they will create the most exquisite Royal attire...

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Reader’s Voice: Accurate news sources essential

June 29, 2024Dear editor; I found the dueling op-eds written by Wayne E. Johnson in the liberal corner and Bill Suhayda in the conservative corner to be very entertaining, but their extreme differences and obvious dislike for each other is a bit disturbing, probably because it is a reflection of...

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No confusion: Normandy heroes or No. 45

Last week we saw the 80th anniversary of D-Day and were reminded of the thousands of troops who stormed the beaches of Normandy. On the air were numerous recounts of that day and the events leading up to the assault on German forces from land, sea, and air, plus the...

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Reader’s Commentary: On taking exception to The Voice writers

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda I’ve had to shake my head hundreds of times through the years reading Wayne Johnson’s montage of demeaning hateful slurs in The Voice cynically aimed at his favorite protagonist, Donald Trump and of course, yours truly. A couple of weeks ago, in a gesture of fake...

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