Thanksgiving Day season offers positive thoughts

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Is our glass half full, or half empty?

Much of our perspective depends on expectation, experience, exceptions.

Life is filled with challenges in various forms. If the mind-set is that perfection is the only acceptable form, disappointment will be in the saddle on our journeys through life.

If we truly do our best to achieve goals and understand we are blessed with a wide variety of daily experiences we can sort out the positives from the negatives. When we learn we are not alone and see we must be a part of society, our expectations are more realistic. Yes, living one day at a time offers clarity and at the same time, absorbing a long view to help guide us can lead to joy, happiness, and fulfillment. Finding what process is integrated into our experience, success, and understanding, are positive methods leading to happiness. Perhaps that is why in the Thanksgiving Day season we move forward if we truly can be thankful for our course in life. Half full always leads to happiness, half empty is a dead end. We have the capability to change course, change mind-set, and live in thanksgiving for who we are, where we are, and, our future.

Yes! Happy Thanksgiving is helpful.

• Holidays through the end of the year offer positive messages and our world understands we are better when we can offer helping hands.

• Our holiday seasons these days begin with the Halloween color and mystic. Good weather is helpful and for the most part bad weather and frigid days have been minimal this year. Halloween originally was the eve of All Saints Day.

• Thanksgiving Day started modestly with European settlers thankful to be alive: Modest expectations to be certain. The glass was half full!

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