Town meeting in Aurora November 6 for Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA)

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October 23, 2019
Dear editor;

As I become older, I have a growing concern about the quality of life that our children and grandchildren will inherit from us. How can we begin to make up for the burden polluted air, water, and climate change will have on their health and economic well-being? Small things such as using public transportation, walking, or biking, using refillable water and coffee containers, buying fewer plastic-packaged products, or using zero-phosphorous fertilizer, 22-0-15, certainly help.

But, I’ve recently learned about a much greater opportunity for Illinois residents to help reverse this tide and improve the environment through the proposed Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA). This act will help us make a transition over the next 10 to 30 years from dirty fuels that cause pollution to clean fuels that are renewable, such as solar and wind for power and electric batteries for cars. In the process, it will lower energy bills and provide job training and opportunities for displaced or disadvantaged workers. It’s a win-win proposal, but one that needs your support now.

In the next few weeks, the State Legislature will have the opportunity to adopt the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA). So one thing you can do is call or write your legislators to give voice and show support for this Act.

You can attend a town meeting at 7 p.m Wednesday, Nov. 6, at the Prisco Center on Illinois Avenue in Aurora to gather more information and ask questions. It’s a small step on your part for a major benefit for your family’s future!

Jan Mangers

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