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God will not be mocked; so these words shall ye keep:
“Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
The sad part is, too many know God will not intervene,
So even if they know it’s wrong, their life’s pursuits are seen.
They’ll take their chances now, as they do not fear death,
They figure now is worth it, even up to their last breath.
So human greed, its greatest sin, goes on without debate;
If God does punish, so be it, but it will have to wait.
You eat the ice cream ere it melts, there is no second chance;
So what you want to do right now is what you will advance.
Perhaps the danger here, you do not know what life is worth;
You certainly could not have known, seeing you at birth.
Since God has given us Free Will, we can do as we please.
So why should there be any real-life effort to appease?
But still the phrase still echoes, mournful, soulful, steep—
“Whatsoever a man soweeth, that shall he also reap.
—Galatians 6:7.

© Richard Williams

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