(With money) from Russia, cash payment, prediction true

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I have a very good feeling that the twice impeached, habitually-lying, bigoted, cowardly, accused, orange-faced rapist and former president, our own Donny Boy Trump, is about to get what he deserves for his actions toward women over the many years. Even his lawyer seems to have thrown in the towel on defending No. 45 in the E. Jean Carroll rape case. Trump was too much of a wimp to show up in person to defend himself, but at least he made a fool of himself in his deposition at least once when he misidentified Carroll in a photo, saying it was his ex-wife, Marla. Funny how he said that Carroll wasn’t his type. He must have meant Marla. Trump’s type seems to be anything resembling a female. Donny’s attorney never called any witnesses to support Trump’s side, nor present any challenges to the 11 witnesses of the prosecution. Why? They don’t exist. That says a lot about Trump’s innocence.

Not to be outdone, daughter Ivanka has been refusing to turn over subpoenaed documents related to New York’s fraud case against the Trump organization. She and the rest of her dysfunctional family have been given until May 12, by the time you’re reading this (hopefully), to comply or face consequences.

Closer to home (the home of The Voice, not mine fortunately), Mr. Bill “Bela” Suhayda has emerged like a new strain of COVID from wherever his emergence hole is, to cast some shade on our own Chas Coddington in the April 27 Voice and generally express his outrage over the transgenders, woke-ism, and the treatment of our persecuted, twice impeached, etc., etc., you-know-who. Bela complained that Trump wasn’t to be allowed on the debate stage with the other Republican presidential hopefuls even though he’s the current frontrunner. But lo and behold, cowardly No. 45 had the good sense to remove himself. He knew he’d end up like debate-stage road kill that had just been trampled under the boots of a thousand hessian storm troopers by the more intelligent contenders for the nomination. Bela took issue with the fact that conservative Americans are being called, “racists, bigots, homophobes, transphobes, etc.” Not to generalize, but all you have to do is watch the news, preferably PBS, to see how appropriate those names are. I know Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the GOP’s good guys who states Trump will never be elected because Americans have seen what he’s really like. Where are all the other good guys in the Party? Sharing Mr. Bill’s emergence hole? Sorry, Bela, but anyone who thinks January 6, 2021 was a tourist romp and can idolize Trump, a low-life devoid of ethics and morals, shouldn’t deserve any consideration by readers. Just go back to your wherever and finish reading Mein Kampf.

What about this, Bela? Some of you readers may remember years back at the middle of Trump’s love fest with Putin, I stated right here in The Voice that one day it will come out that Trump is getting money from Putin and you can say that you read it here first. That day has arrived…or did a couple of months back when auditors discovered that Trump’s media organization had received $8 million in shadowy loans from Russia. And no surprise, the loans were never paid back. Thank you, thank you (I’m taking a bow. Now I’m rubbing my forehead because I just hit it on the keyboard).

That head bump brought another thought to mind. One day we’ll discover that aliens from other worlds outside our solar system are all ready here among us and have been for years. You can say that you read it here first. No, I’m not referring to you, Mr. Suhayda…am I?

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