Poem: Your Routine Life

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It seems the slightest interruption of routine
Brings instant momentary panic on the scene,
That momentary jolt will normally not last,
But you will feel confused before it will have passed.
That we are set in our routines, it’s no surprise;
It very much resembles being robotized.
But you will argue that it’s not like that at all—
That calling it a panic jolt is not the call.
That it will disrupt everything, I do not mean;
For quickly you will be back in your old routine.
But life will form a pattern, more than you may feel;
And any interruption is not seen as real.
For instance, in your home, a décor or knick-knack,
If it is out of place, you quickly put it back.
You do this without thinking—something you just do,
With no idea why things like this a must with you.
Your reading this won’t change a thing, though you may muse.
You see it simply as a purpose to amuse.
But even this is part of how you spend your time.
So this is just a momentary pause in rhyme.

© Richard Williams

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