Day: May 14, 2024

Report says natural gas prices could triple in next 10 years without State action

By Hannah MeiselCapitol News Consumer natural gas bills could triple over the next 10 years without state intervention, according to a report from the Building Decarbonization Coalition and Groundwork Data. The report attributes much of the potential increase to the fact that most utility infrastructure spending is going toward...

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House okays program for student teacher stipends, but not the funding for it

By Peter Hancock & Andrew CampbellCapitol News The Illinois House approved a bill Tuesday to allow student teachers to receive stipends while earning their education degree, even though the money needed to fund those stipends is unlikely to be included in next year’s budget. House Bill 4652, by Rep....

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The Voice: TV show show, paper?

Communication is important. Listening is essential. “The Voice newspaper in northern Illinois. How may I help you,” is a possible method of answering the business telephone. That’s the way we answer the telephone, especially on Mondays and Tuesdays, our usual deadline days in the function of the newspaper based in...

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Aurora City Council honors Warriors Hockey Club

By Jason Crane Mayor of Aurora, Richard Irvin, presented honors to the Warriors Hockey Club at the May 14 Aurora City Council meeting. The Warriors Hockey Club with students from Waubonsie Valley High School and Metea Valley High School ice hockey team of Aurora claimed their fourth Illinois State high...

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Anti-racism workshop in Aurora May 18

Discipling Anti-Racist Youth: Part 2,” a free workshop, will be held from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, May 18, at Wesley United Methodist Church, 14 N. May St. in Aurora. Youth leaders and aspiring youth workers are invited. Admission, breakfast, and parking are free. Workshop facilitator is Richard Guzman,...

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Reader’s Voice: Letter attacks writer Charles Coddington

May 9, 2024Dear editor; On the Charles Coddington’s column, freedom vs. socialism in the The Voice, May 9 edition, there is so much wrong with this moron’s positions and to say right wing shows he’s a partisan hack who has no clue what freedom is and how it’s attained. We...

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Diabetes Club next meet and greet at Jake’s

By Russ George The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley held its May “Meet and Greet” at Panera Bread, 2987 Kirk Road, in Aurora, May 11. Members who worked this month’s “Meet and Greet”, were Mary and Tony Arch, Ed Carroll, Marilyn and Russ George, Pat Jones, Kim King, and Ann...

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Aurora Lions Club exams for vision

Free vision exams for children ages six months to 16 will be offered from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, May 18. A clinic by Aurora Lions Club will take place at Aurora Public Library West Branch, 233 Constitution Drive, in Aurora. The public is invited. Admission and parking are...

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Oswego Police Free Shred Event June 29

To assist in the prevention of identity theft, the Oswego Police Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association (OCPAAA) is a partner with the Rotary Club of Oswego to offer a free shredding service to the community. The shred event is scheduled for Saturday, June 29, at the Oswego Public Works Facility,...

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State leads Medicare reform: Pritzker

By Dilpreet RajuCapitol News Approximately 73% of Illinois’ Medicaid recipients remain on the rolls after the first redetermination cycle following the COVID-19 pandemic, while approximately 660,000 recipients have been disenrolled. Speaking at a news conference in Chicago, governor JB Pritzker celebrated the fact that 2.6 million Illinoisans remained on...

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Wild Bill lives up to his name, not truth

Just when I thought it was safe to open my copy of The Voice and enjoy all the interesting, relevant printed information, up pops Donald Trump lap dog Wild Bill Suhayda, spitting, foaming at the mouth, and spinning at who knows how many r.p.m.s. such as Taz, Warner Bros. Tasmanian...

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Illinois House Republicans introduce human trafficking legislation

By Cole LongcorCapitol News After Illinois received another failing grade from a national advocacy group, state House Republicans have introduced legislation aimed at further protecting victims and prosecuting perpetrators of human trafficking. Shared Hope International, an advocacy organization that works to prevent sex trafficking, said in its 2023 Illinois...

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Recipe of the Week: Pork Tenderloin in wine gravy

Ingredients2 pounds pork tenderloin1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper1/2 teaspoon garlic powder1/2 onion, thinly sliced1 stalk celery, chopped1/2 pound sliced mushrooms2 cups red wine1 (.75 ounce) packet dry brown gravy mix Directions1. Preheat oven to 350F and heat a skillet to high heat. 2. Add oil to pan and...

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Poem: Accomplishment

Accomplishment is noted, recognized, and cheered;It’s how we choose our heroes, adulation speared.It normally means something good, no matter what;What has been tried has been successful, like as not.Accomplishment in life has been the middle nameOf anyone who has achieved some sort of fame.But that is for the famous only,...

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Reader’s Commentary: Joe Biden reversed Donald Trump accomplishments

By Bela “Bill” Suhayda I started writing in this publication a little more than three years ago when I asked publisher, Carter Crane, if he would place an article I had written into The Voice as a rebuttal to writer Wayne Johnson’s fawning love/lust to the incoming Joe Biden administration...

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Politics important, even if hateful

By Ricky Rieckert This week, I’m going to write on another meaningful thing that has been tearing me up. Politics, and the way fellow writers, both write for The Voice. Wayne “Wayne’s World” Johnson, Bela “Bill” “Wild Bill“ Suhayda, prince Charles Coddington, and now, Ricky “Tricky Rick” Rieckert. I hope...

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Batavia Boardwalk Shops hold ribbon-cutting

The Batavia Chamber of Commerce was delighted to celebrate the opening of the 2024 Class of Batavia Boardwalk Shops with a ribbon-cutting ceremony Friday, May 10. The cluster of tiny shops on the southeast corner of Wilson and River Streets in Batavia holds 10 independent businesses as a business incubator...

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