Ask Grandpa: Sounds from above: Let it be

Ask Grandpa
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Grandpa says: Just a couple of reminders. When resetting your clocks Saturday night, don’t forget to put new batteries into your smoke detectors and CO detectors. Tuesday is election day so get out and vote! Voting is more than a privilege, it is a responsibility.

I have lived in my apartment for years and never met my neighbors directly above me. I know that he is a quiet mousy little man, while she is loud and over-bearing. I hear her yelling at him all the time. He never raises his voice. I never see them. It is as if they do not leave the apartment. I do not know what they drive. I know nothing about them and that never bothered me until recently.

The maintenance man was in my apartment to do some work when the lady upstairs began screaming at her husband again. The maintenance man just looked at the ceiling and said that he would never hear her. I asked what he meant and he told me she is a widow and has been for many years. Now I am concerned. If her cheese has slid that far off her cracker, what else might she do?

Grandpa says: You have lived there that long and never had an inkling? You have lived there that long and never encountered a problem? So what has changed, other than your perspective? Let it be.

I am a portly, older man with white hair. I am a registered sex offender. As such, I cannot wear certain items of clothing, such as a Santa Clause suit. My supervisor at work asked me to play Santa at the store’s Christmas party for employees. There will be no children. The Store director knows that I am on the registry, but no one else does. I want to be a team player, but I am afraid to violate the law about the costume. If I put on the outfit at the party and take it off when the party is over, would that be a violation?

Grandpa says: Fate and luck are twin sisters. Sometimes they are ladies and sometimes they are vixens. No gentleman ever scorns a lady. Do not risk donning the illegal costume. If you justify it this time, you will find it easier to justify the next time. Remember your offending cycle! If you do not get anywhere near the line, you never can cross it. You are a team player, right? Your team is the people who live by the motto of No More Victims. I bid you peace

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