Fox Valley Robotics celebrates open house

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Fox Valley Robotics/Batavia Robotics, Fermilab, and FIRST presented its eighth annual FIRST LEGO® League Junior (FLLJr) season to the Fox Valley Area with the 2020 “Boomtown Build” open house at Fermilab in Batavia February 1.

This year’s open house had 30 teams involved with this year’s topic “Boomtown Build”. The teams’ task was researching and learning all the growing needs and challenges of those in the community. Teams modified or created a building that solved a problem and makes life easier, happier, or more connected.

The grade-schoolers exhibited Lego robotic projects and posters demonstrating their research about how buildings can be created or modified to serve the future needs of the people. The open house intended to give students an opportunity to present their research and celebrate the hard work they’ve done as a team, while at the same time, highlighting changes in community buildings to serve the need of those that use them.

For more information visit

— Fox Valley Robotics/Batavia Robotics

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