Reader’s Voice: He will vote to change election law

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February 13, 2018
Dear editor;
Aurora taxpayers and voters are paying more dollars for fewer services, compared to other communities, and the continued existence of the Aurora Election Commission is the reason.
Most Illinois communities, such as our neighbors in Montgomery or North Aurora, receive their election-related services from their county clerk. In Aurora, taxpayers pay both the Election Commission and the County Clerk for these services. We pay extra money with less to show for it.
The Aurora Election Commission offers limited services: Voter registration, elections, polling place operations, early voting, and election results.
Closing the commission by voting “Yes” to “Shall the City Election Law be Rejected?” on the other hand, will give Aurorans a new, permanent, county clerk office in downtown Aurora. For less money, residents would be provided access to all voter services in addition to marriage licenses, birth certificates, death certificates, and passports. Imagine not having to drive to Geneva every time you require a document from the county clerk.
Retaining and paying for the Aurora Election Commission when county clerks’ offices can do the job, and more, is like paying $3. for half a loaf of bread when you can get a full loaf of bread for $2. at a different store.
The Aurora Election Commission is a virtual dinosaur, and a one-trick dinosaur, at that. Let’s quit paying more for less. I will be voting yes on the upcoming March 20 ballot question: “Shall the City Election Law be Rejected?” to eliminate the Aurora Election Commission. I hope you will join me.
Bryan Timm

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