Reader’s Commentary: Democrats: Men can become pregnant; will eat insects

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda

Democratic Party members can’t define what a woman is. They believe men can become pregnant and the Earth is being destroyed by Climate Change caused by CO2 and cow farts! And, so it is, we will be eating insects rather than New York Strip at our favorite restaurants. Joe Biden has said the greatest threat to our Nation is Climate Change. Charles Coddington wrote the same in the April 6 edition of The Voice. Biden, unable to ascend some stairs and chew gum at the same time, did manage to start a war in Ukraine. Biden, unable to find his way off a podium, is wandering into yet another war with China over Taiwanese sovereignty. It’s a twofer!! And how does Joe prepare for these blundering Biden bloopers? He puts the “Woke” in charge of the military to make sure military personnel don’t use the wrong pronouns when addressing transgender enlistees. Biden depleted our military of war machinery (sent to Ukraine) to a point critical to our own defense. I recently heard we were developing E.V. Military Tanks. So battlefields will need recharging stations? Recharging…don’t shoot!!!

Joe Biden is in overdrive, supplying money and military hardware in support of war against a nuclear threatening Putin in Ukraine. But wait… we may be at war with China… the very country producing all our “stuff,” including the heavy metals that will produce the E.V.’s we in the U.S. must drive because of Climate Change. Meanwhile, in lands far away, China and India produce coal-fired power plants on a weekly basis. They add huge quantities of CO2 to our atmosphere because we destroy our economy, and prevent our citizens from using those same inexpensive fossil fuels (coal and oil). Russia and China grow strong as we self-destruct. Joe said “our way is better.” And the Democrats yell “Let them eat insects!!”

Joe Biden has reacted to the growing economies of Russia, China, and India as Don Quixote might…..building windmills. He calls half of our country, “white supremacists”….me included.

He uses Merrick Garland to go after Trump and parents concerned about the curricula of the public schools their children attend. Parents get concerned about schools that teach math, highways, weather, and being on time as racist! Americans are concerned about a history rewriting campaign… “The 1619 Project.” Parents are concerned about CRT causing hate, anger, and racism in their children’s classrooms. Parents are concerned about a DOJ and FBI suspiciously watching over them at school board meetings.

Americans were promised the country would “Build Back Better” under Biden. We’ve seen destruction instead. Our economy, borders, and the world are in shambles. We heard Joe would unite us! He has fractured us, instead. Biden and his media have broken the country using every victim class to hate the other and our country. The final straw in all this situation, is Biden using a politicized “ Justice System,” FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA to go after his political rivals and Donald Trump, all of which is election interference and tampering the likes we have never seen all ready being used in preparation for the 2024 election.

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