Reader’s Commentary: Disturbing trend in columns by Wayne Johnson

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda

As a contributing writer to this paper, I am limited to a precious few hundred words here in the Reader’s Commentary when I am fortunate enough to have my articles included. Owner/editor, Carter Crane, has been more than generous to me in this regard. He has given me the space to speak to those things important to all who are concerned about the direction of our country. So I’ve thought carefully about whether I should waste words on Wayne Johnson’s latest contribution in the August 31 edition of The Voice ( P.S. Carter Crane has shown his fair-mindedness regarding my articles. He continues to be among the few journalists in our area who still believes in being open to at least two sides of a story.

I read Wayne Johnson’s column in the August 31 edition of The Voice on page 6. It was above my Reader’s Commentary section. It was Wayne’s usual bash Donald Trump article. Wayne doesn’t seem to run out of insults when it comes to Trump. But if you look carefully…there is a disturbingly- repetitive rhythm to all of what he writes. I sincerely believe, to create a semblance of originality, Wayne puts all of his insulting words and phrases onto bits of paper, puts them into a basket, then tosses them into the air. He picks up the shreds of paper containing the slanderous words and phrases, in random order, then writes his articles. It’s regurgitated insults and slander. The only thing new is the order. So just by probability, Wayne’s articles, concerning Trump look to be new and original. There was, however, one new twist in this last article that caused me to stop and take notice.

Wayne was relating a bit of history on Benito Mussolini. He described the gruesome way in which the Italian fascist leader was executed by a mob. Wayne wrote, and I quote: “When elected president, Trump would consolidate the government into one big, happy Executive Branch so he could have complete control, an idea he stole from fascist Mussolini in Italy in the 1930s. Mussolini ended up with his body hanged upside down at a gas station. Don-Don’s too fat to be dragged through the streets and hanged.” End quote!

I’m not exactly sure how Johnson wants us to process this tidbit of gruesome death and execution … but I have a good idea given the rage he shows towards Trump. If asked, I’m sure Johnson would say: “I’m Just kidding.” Knowing Wayne by what he writes, I am convinced Johnson’s attempt at the imagery of Trump’s body hanging upside down at a filling station is something he wants all Trump-haters to envision. I believe he wants all readers of his column to imagine this scenario. The proof is in the pudding.

We live in a time some have described as being similar to the Civil War era when the country was torn in two. We are a polarized Nation.

The Democrats have indicted Trump four times since declaring his run for the presidency. He was impeached twice and investigated by his own DOJ and FBI for three of the four years he was in office. You would have to be a child not to think Trump’s life is in danger. Then Wayne Johnson writes this column. Disgraceful!

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